Have you heard of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra? Last year Dad sent us tickets to go see them in Jacksonville. Steve had never heard of them, he had no clue what he was in for. When the violinist stepped on stage and began to play he was on the edge of his seat and never sat back for the rest of t...
I was brought up believing in Santa Claus, a jolly happy elf. He wore a red suit, red cap, black boots and when he laughed it came out "HO HO HO!" and his "his belly shook like a bowl full of jelly." Now, in Australia, Santa has been banned from saying "Ho Ho Ho" because it may be offensive to wo...
I used to live in the small village of Ballston Spa in Upstate NY, most of you know I do miss it, specially this time of year. I'm still in touch with a couple people up there and on occasion get emails about events and feel good stories from one of my favorite areas of our great country. Yesterd...
Last summer I wrote about Florida's Other Snow-Bird~The Northern Atlantic Right Whales...I told you about how they come visit us for 2 to 3 months in the winter season, have their babies then head back to Nova Scotia. I gave you backgroud information on why they are so endangered and what is bein...
Straight No Chaser is a Mens A Cappella group and this video is from 1998. It is Incredibile! I won't tell you anymore, go ahead, watch and listen first.. Well? What did you think? Pretty awesome?If you want to hear more you can go to this website and get the Indiana Straight No Chaser Live @ T...
Saturday was a busy day at the Iron Horse in Ormond BeachBesides having Big Engine rocking a great crowdAnd part two of Pee Wee's Poker Run (the raffle)There was also a small presentation ceremony! Pam Hobbs, Development Officer for The Children's Advocacy Center was on hand to personally thank b...
A couple weeks ago I told you that we were having a poker run for a friend ours, Pee Wee, that needed our help. The poker run to raise money for him that ended up being held in two parts (that doesn't happen often). We had the raffle yesterday at the Iron Horse during the Big Engine show and it ...
Their 5th Annual Pink Ribbons For Life Event I was recently contacted by a friend who knows I blog about special events here in Central Florida and he asked me if I could blog about this event. What he didn't know was how so many people here at Active Rain, during the month of October supported N...
Last week in my post, Please Tell Me You Didn't Delete All The Photos On The Memory Card! I told you how I accidentally deleted all the photos I had taken that weekend, and that I had been told about a deleted photo recovery program and was able to save 98% of the photos on the memory card. The p...
It's pretty well known that I do what I can to bring a smile to people that I don't know. As much as it is rewarding, it is also tiring at the same time and I woke up yesterday exhausted. Two weekends in a row with two major fund raising events and a Christmas Party with not much real down time i...