Let's see if I have this straight: Home prices fell in November and hover near recent lows: S&P/Case-Shiller 20-city report, rates for a fixed mortgage remain at an all-time low: Freddie Mac and more people can afford to buy a home now than in decades: NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Opportunity Index.
Warning: This blog is just for the fun of it. Anyone interested in seeking hidden treasure? If you have a Smartphone it's easier, and more fun, than you might imagine. This blog is about setting work aside, having fun, learning something in the process and finding stashed goodies. It's about geoc
Relationships - you can't succeed without them. I'm thinking that is one hard fact we all have in common. I work with an on-line lead generation service and developing long-term, productive relationships is the key to a decent paycheck. I just got to have them. So, when I sign someone up to recei
"Wise to resolve, and patient to perform." - Homer Forty days have passed since the beginning of a new year. It seems a good time to ask the AR community: "So, how are those New Year's resolutions working out?" Many of us make them every year, we resolve to, in one way or another, make ourselv
"Once a new technology rolls over you, if you're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road." Stewart Brand
I am not an expert on website design. But I am a person who spends a lot of time on agents' sites and I am similar to many of the consumers who also make their way to those sites. During my travels through hundreds of these websites, I've kept a list of things that make me crazy and probably make
I live in Montana. It is February. The pale light of the short days of winter, temperatures below freezing and snow crusted with frost define my part of the world. That won't change anytime soon. I sit in the office, considering where to call. Enough buyers come into our service that almost anywh
IT ISN'T NEWS to anyone these days that the Internet has changed how we all go about doing business. But what might be news, at least to some, is how to remain successful while embracing some of those changes. Consider this: Give or take a bit, half of all people looking to buy a house these days
The only house candidates appear to be concerned with Working in the real estate industry and being a political junkie, I have been watching the recent debates and primaries with much interest. During the most recent debates in Florida I thought where better for the candidates to discuss their
Here's something fun to ponder: In 2010, Kansas City broker Mike Phillips sold an average of three homes a day, seven days a week, every week of the year. In all, the owner of Century 21 All Pro sold 1,268 houses in 2010 - all of them REOs. That flurry of activity was enough to earn him the titl