Real Estate Investing in Western Kentucky

Services for Real Estate Pros - Greg Taylor and Associates, PLLC
Murray, Real Estate, Western Kentucky, Realty, Attorney, For Rent, For Sale, Rent to own, Owner Financing, Investor, Investment, Lawyer, Real Estate Lawyer, Real Estate Attorney, Foreclosure, Debt Relief, Creative Property Solutions, Blog, Blogging, Title Insurance, Contract, Deed, Closing, Title Company, Realty, Realtor, Western Kentucky, Western Kentucky Real Estate Investment Association, Corporate Law, Sell house, Rent house, Calloway County, Marshall County, Graves County, For Sale By Owner



Local Investors to Discuss Negotiating Tactics Murray, KY. – In real estate investing you make your money when you buy, so don’t pay too much on your next deal! Learn how to negotiate your best deal at this month’s Western Kentucky Real Estate Investment Association meeting. Each month the group ...

Greg Taylor

Murray Kentucky, Real Estate Attorney and Investor
local_phone(270) 761-4558
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My comments on the world of investing, from issues facing investors to discussions of new techniques.