Here is the January Report on Housing from the Association of Columbus Realtors.Columbus Housing ReportThis provides a snapshot of current conditions across the entire market area including not only all of Columbus but Grove City home values, Hilliard home values, Upper Arlington home values, Wes...
It's Valentines Day...But Don't Lose Your Head Over It!The exact origin of Valentines Day and identity of St. Valentine are unclear.One of the prevalent historical references as to the identity of St Valentine goes all the way back to around 278 A.D. when Emporer Claudius II ruled Rome and was in...
An interesting sign at an American Legion Post on my way to the office.     
Only a father could understandThe special thingshis children have planned.Only a father can share, it seems,The vision and challengeof loftiest dreams.When encoragement's neededor questions arise,And you need to find someonewho's strong and wise,Someone who see's youwith love in his eyes,Only a f...
Enjoy a relaxed morning of fishing for all ages.Grove City Parks and Recreation is hosting the annual Family Fishing Day, 8-11 a.m., Saturday, June 10 being held at Rotary Lake in Fryer Park, 3899 Orders Road.This rain-or-shine event is FREE and a limited amount of fishing equipment for loan will...
Neff Road, Grove City, OH Get Directions Click Here Description Photos Maps & Local Schools Print Brochure $ Click for current price 5 Acre building lot in Pleasant Township, Grove City. Dry creek bed at rear of property. Deed restrictions minimal, but require 1700 sq ft 1 story or 2000 sq ft 2 ...
American Red Cross is having a Blood Drive at the Kingston Center in Grove City on Wednesday February 1st from 1-7 p.m.Information and a link to schedule a time is on the Grove City website:  
The Columbus Ohio Real Estate Market in review for December 2016 compared to the same period last year reflects:- A 7.2% increase in average sale price- A reduction of days on the market down from 56 to 45 days- A 1% increase in percent of List Price received at 97.9%December 2016 data predicts t...
  National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day - Columbus, Ohio SWACO, in partnership with the DEA is having a “Drug Take Back Day” on October 22, 2016. This is an opportunity for you to safely dispose of expired or unneeded prescription drugs. Many Metropolitan Columbus law enforcement agencies and ...
The second Ohio Bacon Fest will be held Friday September 9, 2016 at the Columbus Commons, 160 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.Bacon inspired dishes will be served by 20 vendors including 1803 Bacon, Porky's Pub, Great Lakes Brewing, Barrel and Boar and The Top Steak House among others.The...

Greg Large

A Tradition of Trust
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