Shopping at Sam's Wholesale and Walmart today did not look too promising for the economy! Traffic was light at both stores that I attended, I just hope that my feelings and projections of pent-up demand. I did get some calls from people interested in buying, we will see what plays out!
As cunsumers get used to the idea of Obamantation and the so-called bank bailout/future slavery, and the idea that Socialism/Marxism is now the true economic/political system in place, their minds return to more mundane levels as buying a home. The fact that one can get a mortgage if they have a
Now that you have to have AT LEAST a 580 (probably soon to be 600) score to get a FHA loan AND 3% (soon to be 3.5%) down, it behooves us all to: Get a relationship going with a good credit repair agency set up a contact system to monitor and keep in contact with buyers set up a plan to make the b
I think that all of you who spend your money on print and media advertising should contact editors of these publications and urge them to starting publishing stories about how good the homebuyers have it RIGHT NOW! My feeling is that the public is very reluctant to make a move, and one of the hin
North Texas continues to have extremely good deals available for home buyers! Mortgages for people with fair credit and who have a job are plentiful, and the rates are not very high - a fact that may not last long! Due to the subprime foreclosure rate, there is a lot of inventory, althought purch