After a full day of eating how is possible that anyone wants dinner? Does it matter that it's Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Years Day? Breakfast at 10, Eggs & Sausage and French Toast Lunch at 1:00 Crab, cheese and crackers, meatballs, chips and dip, all of which has been left out for the
This year Southwind Church in Tracy, CA had a Friday night, Christmas Eve's Eve service. There will be 2 services, 5 & 7 on Christmas Eve and a 10:00 Service that is different from the previous 2 on Christmas Morning. Typical for us is Christmas Eve, You can read about our stange tradition here.
My family, all 7 of us, have a very strange family tradition that started out of necessity and has lasted years. It involves going to Southwinds Church in Tracy then to McDonalds. Yes I know strange custom indeed. It started when the kids were little. We would go to grandmas house to see cousi
WOW this is amazing. You have to watch the entire thing. What a well orchestrated group that pay tribute to our Lord, this Holiday Season. Hallelujah Chorus in the middle of food court. The people eating didn't know what hit them. Flash MOB! keeping with my Friday Night Tunes, I was
There are 4 shopping days left until Christmas. Do you still have stockings to stuff? Here is a great list by Lindsey. I gave up on stuffing stockings with stuff several years ago. NOW I go get $25 $1 Bills and wad them up like tissue paper and stuff their stockings. If any of my 5 children
Tracy CA Short Sale Question - When will I have to move? One of the most frustrating parts of a short sale is the lack of definitive answers. One of the answers that there is no definitive answer is "When will I have to move out of my Tracy house that I am preparing to Short Sale?" When you will
This year the Tracy Realtor Marketing Council had our Denim and Diamond event that raised money for our local charities. Checks were distributed to 9 charities in Tracy CA Those charities were: Interfaith MinistriesBrighter ChristmasMcHenry HouseBoys & Girls ClubMiitary MomsAmerican Cancer Societ
Denim & Diamond Mardi Gras Extranvaganza in Tracy CA As the 2010 President of our Local Realtor Council this was THE EVENT of the year. It's our major fund raiser. As Realtors giving back is HUGE. We raise money all year long and this is the last event. Denim & Diamonds sold out 2 weeks prior
{EAV:2090975086f9bfda}p>As a REALTOR in Tracy CA who has been doing short sales for 6 years. Nothing says it better than the message below. I'll add - Sellers - start packing. You've listed your property for sale, get ready to move. You will have 20 -30 days to find a new place and move once
You tell me YOURS I'll tell you Mine! Are you SMART? Are your GOALS SMART? First I want to say I HATE making GOALS. Perhaps it's making a commitment that I don't like, but I've been married for 32 years, so doubt that's the problem. Perhaps it's just the thought that goes into what those goals