Robin Moffitt's Blog

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Gold Star Realty, Inc.
BUYER'S . . SELLER'S. . .REALTOR'S TAKE HOLD OF THE SHORT SALE BUSINESS? Take heart!  Let's rally together and get these transactions in contract and start the (YES, I KNOW) frustrating time line running in full speed ahead!!! Our economy is changing...FOR THE BETTER!  The quicker we can get this...
Short Sales are a sincere challenge.  I hear the horror stories  then, I  hear about how someone was able to get a short sale through in just a matter of weeks.  Then, I hear another horror story and another good one..on and on..back and forth. I have a "short sale' expert in my office and, if sh...
Through Self Directed Ira's, investors are taking control of their retirement future by purchasing Real Estate and other allowed alternative assets.   Some of the benefits of a Self Directed IRA: Invest in a Real Estate IRA, tax deeds, stocks, tax liens, notes, and many more profitable vehicles. ...
I am teaching a course on Creative Real Estate/Alternative's a blast!  It's designed for a class of approximately 30ish realtors.  I would  love to incorporate some 'www' examples of really creative ideas and, promote ActiveRain in the process! We cover, created notes, carry back n...
We're all looking for ideas on how to expand our areas of expertise.  The self directed IRA's seem to be a great vehicle for those who are disenchanted with the stock market...not that they want to dump everything invested but, to perhaps diversify a bit and move their monies around a bit.  It lo...
Yes, it's a challenging time and market.  However, we are in the perfect business, as realtors, lenders, title people...etc, to help!  People always need a place to live and, if you think about it...where can you go that is not someone's investment property?  Absolutely NOWHERE!  Think about it! ...
I have a client coming in to town from Colorado next week!  His mom is helping me identify the 'right' place for him...he's got cash for 100% purchase..Whooppee!  But, his needs are specific and not all that easy to find in the areas he's designated!  I've been searching the MLS for the past 2 we...
As part of my 2009 business plan, I went on line...I mean hard core on line hunting!!! I wanted to see/read what the rest of the world was doing to make money in 2009...actually, what the news on the street was conclusively reflecting as the path to generate their goals of productivity, positive ...
I came to the party, hosted by active rain...everyone was there...I started to mingle...I met a lot of new people...I was inspired...the level of integrity, ethics, honesty was almost overwhelming...I came back again and again and then, finally I found myself to be a "guest speaker".  It amazed m...
Have you ever had an assistant?  A good one or, a bad one?  Have you taken the responsibility for both?  Most of the time we expect these 'other beings' to be a cure for all of our ills; a mind reader; a multi-tasking maniac; knower of all things true; the blessing that will change our life, get ...

Robin Moffitt

"Gold Star Service....Gold Star Results !"
local_phone(208) 288-0505
smartphone(208) 602-1909
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