Contra Costa County Quarterly Market Report - 2nd quarter Bank-owned properties continued to dominate home sales across Contra Costa County in the second quarter of 2009, offering first time home buyers and investors unprecedented opportunities in all communities and across all price ranges, acco
If you weren't paying such a huge premium for your Health Insurance, could you "buy up" to the house you really want? Whenever I hear folks talking about how expensive health care is going to be under Obama's plan (as if they have actually read his plan), I wonder what planet they might be livin
The upside of the housing collapse, is that My dog, Elvis, whom I rescued at Animal Rescue Foundation in Walnut Creek, was a foreclosure dog. Almost all of the dogs came from the San Joaquin Valley, where they were abandoned by their owners, who could no longer stay in their homes. Every time I
If dogs could buy and sell houses, would you want to work with them? I know there would be a few problems: "Hey Fido, when are you going to get those tax docs to the lender?" "What do you mean you buried them in the yard, and can't remember where?" "Rover, I know we're looking for a house with a
I wonder if any of you "Active Rainers" are involved with Trulia. It looks like something that might be worth $30 a month for a Realtor to get involved with. Any Thoughts?
If any of you are thinking about making a move to Rossmoor, in Walnut Creek, I have a book of home sale statistics for the last 2 years, that I have compiled. If you would like a copy, send me an e-mail, or give me a call. You can find me on the web at Rossmoor is a natio
All our friends are getting dogs. We feel like our dog, Elvis, is creating a demand. He's just so cute, and full of fun, that is is contagious. It could be that in these trying economic times, that alot of folks are going back to the times in their lives when, things were simple, and a family dog
I know this is last minute, but today is our Big open house day at Rossmoor, 55-and-over community is Walnut Creek. We are holding almost 30 homes open, which is very helpful, because there are about 150 different floor plans at Rossmoor. With a little guidance and our handy map, you will see al
As I was reading through everyone's blogs, the one that really hit me was a message that said "be yourself" and instead of only talking about the marketplace, let people know "who you are". I felt that that was a truly good piece of information. So I thought I would blog about the fact that I r
I always amazes me when you take the time to go to a home on Brokers Tour, only to find that it is a "no-Host" affair. I believe it is direspectful on all levels. What are you saying to your client? Your time is much too valuable to do put up a minimum effort on their behalf. What if somebody com