Gene Allen Sells Cary Real Estate

Real Estate Agent - Fathom Realty
There are some who don't think much of small sensor cameras like my Panasonic DMZ 100 because of its limitations.   Personally I wouldn't trade it for the world.  The first two pictures illustrate what I mean.  If I didn't have the camera with the long lens I wouldn't have gotten the vapor coming...
I take my ShiPoo for walks along the Glenwood golf course at night.  I let him run loose because there is never anyone else around.  Sometimes it is hard to locate him.  Now I just bring flash with me and when I can't locate him I use the flash and there he is.  Flashlights work also but arent' a...
I take my ShiPoo for walks along the golf course at night.  I let him run loose because there is never anyone else around.  Sometimes it is hard to locate him.  Now I just bring flash with me and when I can't locate him I use the flash and there he is.  Flashlights work also but arent' as neat.
You know 411, 911 but do you know 811?  I bet the person that puts your real estate sign posts in the yards around Chesapeake knows 811.  811 is a Virginia statewide number for anyone getting ready to do any type of excavation on their property.  It is commonly known as Miss Utility.  Once you ca...
You know 411, 911 but do you know 811?  I bet the person that puts your real estate sign posts in the yards knows 811.  811 is a Virginia statewide number for anyone getting ready to do any type of excavation on their property.  It is commonly known as Miss Utility.  Once you call they will come ...
The Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) was designed in 2009 to help homeowners whose property value had fallen below what they could afford but were still making payments.  The program did not help many homeowners as the requirements were too strict.  One of the big changes is that now home...
Even with falling debt and fewer late payments the average credit score for Norfolk consumers by by one point.  It went from 741 to 740.  It may not sound like much but in Experians latest "State of Credit" Norfolk fell eight places.  This report is put out yearly by Experian a major credit repor...
I found a new way to print my real estate documents from my DROID Bionic.  I downloaded an app from the MarketPlace called "wifi file transfer"  It turns the DROID or other Android phones into what is basically a website.  When you activate the wifi transfer application it will give you an URL to...
I think it is so cool to be able to walk into my real estate office and print a document that is located on my home computer through my DROID Bionic!!!.  Of course if the document was on the CLOUD I wouldn't have to log on to ZUMOCAST to do that but I forget a lot of times.  With the DROID Bionic...
Forbes magazine has ranked Hampton Roads #5 of 50 metropolitan areas for working mothers.  Hampton Roads includes Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Hampton and Newport News. The criteria was varied but includes such things as number of physicians, school-district-per-pupil expendit...