The Art Of Marketing You

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A highly caffeinated creative type sharing thoughts about getting noticed in a very noisy world !
   #BlackoutTuesday     #BlackLivesMatter   It's not white vs black, it's everyone vs racists !Being silent is not an option . . .                        
   This week, I wanted to go over something that is relatively new and not everyone is aware of on YouTube and that is... #hashtags! Yes, finally Google has made hashtags available to use on YouTube which makes it much easier for people to discover your videos and your YouTube channel.   Since ha...
  I think I'm probably the last person on the planet who didn't have a YouTube channel but that changed a few days ago. Why? I'm spending as much time these days composing music as I do painting so to keep things simple, I've decided to use my Instagram account for my artwork since Instagram is t...
  A quick note to say "thanks" to everyone for the warm welcome back messages in my previous post. I never really left ActiveRain but I haven't posted in a really long time so here I am again and it's really nice to see so many familiar faces and new ones as well.  Before I get to the fun stuff, ...
  As the post title says... I'm back! After a long absence and a lot of encouragement from AR members who apparently missed me, I've decided to try and make time in my crazy busy life to post here again on some sort of regular basis but first...   Before anything else, I wanted to say a BIG thank...
 Quick Update: The tech problem in groups seems to have finally been resolved. Thx AR and to everyone who sent me feedback about this, much appreciated! hi everyone... yeah it's been awhile since my last post. Even though I've been maintaining and moderating The Art of Marketing YOU group, the pa...
  Just a quick note and update to let everyone know that becasue a small group of people have been flooding this group with off topic content, we're now removing off topic content when we see it. That means if your post isn't about marketing, marketing ideas, marketing strategies, examples, etc.....
  Hi guys, are you in the mood for a quickie? Cool, here we go...  In case you didn't notice, in their seemingly never ending quest to abuse privacy, Facebook changed the email address in your profile to an @Facebook address. Here is an example from my own FB profile...   This is so not cool but ...
  Hi guys, while I have a few minutes I'm stopping by to drop off my new March wallpaper/calendar that you can use, edit or give away on any of your own sites / blogs. I haven't done this in awhile and with all the requests I've been getting... here it is again. ;-)   The image above is a preview...
  Hi guys, I'm just stopping by for a few minutes to drop off my new June wallpaper/calendar that you can use, edit or give away on any of your own sites / blogs.   The image above is a preview of this month's wallpaper/calendar we're giving away on my website It's a pencil sketch of a recent pai...

marti garaughty

a highly caffeinated creative type...
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smartphone(514) 416-4079
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