Grandparents: 1. She was in the bathroom, putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young granddaughter, as she'd done many times before. After she applied her lipstick and started to leave, the little one said, "But Gramma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!"I will prob
Here is a great idea, with the weather cooling now and the days still long enough to enjoy the outdoors, try this with friends and co workers to help Keep Austin Beautiful and feel like you have really accomplished something for your community. HOSTING A CREEK CLEANUP is a great way to give back
Hearing me? Listening? There is a difference Yesterday we stopped at a fast food to get a snack and something cold to drink on our way home from picking up a mare, we had been out for all afternoon and it was at least an hour home so everyone was hot and a bit hungry. My daughterand two of my g
After posting to various groups about local businesses and activities and events I thought it would be a fun idea to have all those in one area, besides of course Localism. When you post to Localism its wonderful and is directed to your state, c
We need a PHOTO LOGO for the new Group SHAMELESS PLUGS If anyone has a good idea or photo for our new group, SHAMELESS PLUGS please do submit it to me and I will add it. Or if ya'll would like to submit and make a contest we can decide next Sunday, Sept 13,2009, which one has the most votes on i
Announcing a new group here for all to use in Active Rain, SHAMELESS PLUGS, please join me in adding your favorite and newly found businesses, referrals, and any person who delivers what they say they will, and often exceeds your expectation of Customer Service. We all know how easy it is to "tr
Longhorn Football is on Paid Service Only.This stinks. I have been a University of Texas at Austin Longhorns Football team fan since my youngest grandson could say, HOOK EM Gran!That a few years ago. Last fall I heard about this was going to happen, but ya know sometimes one just has to see it
Texting while Driving IS A NO NO The City of Austin has an Ordinance with a new proposal to ban TEXTING while driving. The Austin Business Journal of Friday Sept 4,2009 carried an article about the proposed ban along with an informal poll of 1,048 votes in the poll. 56% voted to ban texting whil
This is a Shameless Plug for Aspen Tree Service and Landscaping here in Austin Texas. This week Eddie and the crew came out and trimmed several large oak trees, removed the ball moss from many of the trees on the property, took out one maple tree and a dead oak tree. Cleaned it up into a brush
Mad Cakes of Austin Texas is quite a unique place. I ran into Mad Cakes of Central Austin yesterday and got the surprise of the week. I am sure this is a local secret but it's time to let the cake out of the bag! I stood in line and watch people pickup orders, place orders and take away vario