Just musing today and staring at my keyboard, I was gently reminded by my friend Betina that I have not written a post in a week. Why? I don't really have an excuse, reason or can not put my finger on one. Just haven't had the heart? So I am determined to pull myself out of this slump, and I s
Barton Hills area is a wonderful area of Austin, Betina has provided a glimpse of the market for May 2009. I lived in Barton Hills for several years and loved the large lots and the short commute to downtown. Since most of it was developed in the 1950-1980's there are no Home Owners Associations
Very good Information that Betina has provided here. Having worked in the UT Condo area for awhile last year the market there still is strong. Do you have a child going to UT next semester? If so consider purchasing a condo or home for them to live in for the next four years, don't just throw a
Austin is the #1 City to Relocate to a Fresh Start for a variety of reasons says Relocation dot com, a site that helps people determine who, when and if they are ready for a life changing move. It is a very interesting site and after browsing a few minutes on their site I can see it has value fo
PENNY MAC Mortgage Investment Trust is planning an open stock sale. Well my friends, this is the Corporation that is buying up faster than a dropping shoe the delinquient residential mortgage loans and related assests. This morning in the Austin American Statesman newspaper there was a tiny co
Now we really will be Our Brothers Keeper.. or How I Became a Comment NaziRecently NAR had its semi annual meeting, they went over this and that and clarified some items and tabled some other items, with Technology growing faster than Superman's speeding bullet we are all trying to keep up. NAR
What do those school ratings in Texas mean ? Based on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skill testing, or known as the TAKS test.Ever wonder what the terms actually mean? Exemplarty? Recognized? Academically Acceptable? Thanks to one of the great title companies in Austin, Alamo Title who
Travis County Texas is home to the City of Austin, each year about this time the Property Tax Bill comes out to local homeowners. If you believe you are wrongly assessed then your right to protest and have that corrected has a time limit. June 1,2009 will be the last date to protest for this ye
This is one good way to learn to help yourself with building a Revelant website. Check it out and remember that on this past Saturday, NAR went not in favor of the frontline REALTOR, but tabled for 6 long months something that is beneficial to all Realtors, now 3rd party sites definitely can ge
Summer comes early here in Central Texas, this week we saw daily temperatures of 90 degrees, thats not the heat index, that is the real time temperature. So that brings up the issue of cooling off. Gratefully Cetnral texas has Municipal SWIMMING POOLS. IN Travis County check out ... www.ci.aust