Gabrielle Jeans Real Estate Web Solutions

Real Estate Broker/Owner - WebTech Dezine, Gabrielle Jeans Real Estate Coach
Some real estate professionals who work in the industry for a few years achieve moderate success, but eventually hit a bottleneck and can’t seem to take their business to the next level. Many think they could do it if they had more clients. But if you’re a single sales person, there’s a limit to ...
Transforming traffic into transactions is not an easy process. Most people believe that once they set up their landing page , run ads and keep it moving, leads will be eager to fill out the forms. This is not quite the case if you have not worked on your landing page and making sure its a page th...
If you are a new or aspiring real estate professional, this is a critical part of your own self-assessment you’ll need to do in deciding whether you’re up to the challenge.  Are you someone who likes regularity or having a routine, or do you thrive on spontaneity and change?  If you’re the type o...
Moneymaker™ allows you total control over the entire content on your website. Residential, Commercial, Industrial... no matter what your specialty is... Moneymaker™ can be customized to your market specialization or neighbourhood expertise. Moneymaker™ offers powerful ready to use content for th...
The key is making your domain name memorable.  When it’s memorable people are less likely to forget it or mistype it.  The more specific your branding is, the more memorable it will be.  It’s easier to remember something like than Having w...
One of today’s best ways of promoting your real estate business online is by having your own real estate blog.  A blog allows you to demonstrate your expertise on your local real estate market.  Aside from your website’s listings, a blog is the best thing you can have for both attracting qualifie...
it’s been proven scientifically that a positive thought has hundreds of times more power to attract than a negative thought.  So, in other words, when you think, act, and feel about what you want, you are FAR more likely to get it than if you do the opposite!  One of the best ways of continually ...
Keep Your Writing Style Consistent It’s been proven that the quality of your website’s writing is a key factor in how people judge the website’s overall quality.  One of the key things your writing should have is a consistent style. This is in keeping with making your branding consistent and focu...
Sold fliers get more calls than any other flier. Everyone in the area wants to know how much homes are selling for, regardless of when they’re moving. A sold listing gives you an opportunity to re-contact all the neighbors you spoke to before you put the For Sale sign in the ground and continue b...
Imagine if you were to study real estate and your farm area like a university student does.  An undergrad at the University of Toronto spends about 2 hours per week in class per course.  Over the course of their 4-5 years in university these students spend about 1300 hours in class!  So imagine i...

Gabrielle Jeans

Real Estate Web Solution, Real Estate Trainer and Coach
local_phone(905) 281-9500
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