Gabrielle Jeans Real Estate Web Solutions

Real Estate Broker/Owner - WebTech Dezine, Gabrielle Jeans Real Estate Coach
Drive Traffic to Your Website The number of social media websites available; have soared in the last few years and majority of them are free to join. They allow users post text, images, videos and links freely and depending on your following, you could get tons of traffic to your website from jus...
Tammy has the right idea about keywords, tags and categories. Learn about the differences and how to use them effectively. It is a great read. Enjoy. Thanks Tammy for pointing these out.  The Difference Between Keywords, TAGS, and Categories This is probably one of the biggest questions I get. T...
Some of my MoneyMaker Clients are trying to get the hang of Facebook. Majority of them just joined Facebook so show them some love by liking their page and please let them know I sent you so they can believe in the power of Social Media.        Dave Holt Shelly Howe Joan Taylor Victoria Boscariol...
Changes In A Client’s Mood It’s critical you know a client’s mood.  Fortunately, people are usually vocal about what they’re feeling.  But some people are more introverted and don’t reveal their emotions.  With such people you should always monitor their attitude, the expression in their eyes, an...
Today, all real estate professionals must create their own business identify through their branding.  Long gone are the days when we could rely on our company name for our branding. One of the most important aspects of branding is consistency.  You should be using the same wording (eg. business n...
Spam Reputation? An email sender’s reputation is built through time by the number of spam complaints they get from their recipients, their email open rates and click through rates and especially by the number of bad email addresses in their database.  Opt-in lists are usually easy to differentiat...
Text Based Email – today’s e-mail software allows you to choose to receive either HTML based emails (which allow graphics) or plain vanilla text based versions of those emails.  Many people use Blackberrys and other PDAs to receive email these days when away from the office, and frequently HTML e...
“I became aware that whatever I paid attention to grew.  If I focused on the bad news and the awful, it seemed that the whole world was pointing its finger at me.  If I focused on the amazing company we had created, I began to trust that I could do it again.  I just had to brush myself off and ge...
Today, because of the internet and technology, more people are trying to sell their own homes than ever before.  There are enough people trying the FSBO route nowadays that you could focus exclusively on wooing FSBOs and have a thriving business.  So it’s important you understand how to engage FS...
Your Back Linking Strategy & Craig’s List For your back link strategy on Craig’s List, you ought to post ads in other areas of Craig’s List, but these ads shouldn’t be your listings.  For instance, you should regularly post ads to the Real Estate Services section.  Be creative with the content yo...

Gabrielle Jeans

Real Estate Web Solution, Real Estate Trainer and Coach
local_phone(905) 281-9500
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