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Home Inspector - Brian Persons Front Range Home Inspections - 000083
Greeley downtown area- is easily accessable and has activities to offer throughout the year. You can Bring your family downtown this summer for a free concert, great food vendors, a beer garden and a great outdoor atmosphere on the 9th Street Plaza in Downtown Greeley. The 9th Street Plaza is loc...
Bel air Neighborhood in Greeley is great central location- Close to shopping,parks,good schools,highway access, the Bel air neighborhood is a great central location in Greeley. Most of the houses in the neighborhood were built in the early 1970's and have different architectual designs. As oppose...
Deadly Mistake #1: Thinking you can't afford it.   Today, buying the home of your dreams is easier than ever before.  Many people who thought that buying the home they wanted was simply out of their reach are now enjoying a new lifestyle in their very own new home.    Buying a home is the smartes...
Deadly Mistake #1: Thinking you can't afford it.   Today, buying the home of your dreams is easier than ever before.  Many people who thought that buying the home they wanted was simply out of their reach are now enjoying a new lifestyle in their very own new home.    Buying a home is the smartes...
Older homes in Greeley Colorado-I inspect alot of older homes in Greeley, and there are some things that need to be looked for on them. The foundations were often made out of layered stones. The sewer drains made of clay. The knob and tube style wiring. The Lead based paint. The asbestos tiles. T...
ChoosingHome Inspectors in Greeley Co- There are a few Certified Home inspectors in Greeley,Co. And I am one of them. I am Brian Persons, of Front Range Home Inspections.I am the only Certified Master Inspector in Greeley, Colorado. When choosing Home inspectors in Greeley, Colorado you should as...
Radon and expansive clay soil in Weld County- Some of the aspects of a home inspection that are unique to Weld County include: The use of floating walls in the construction of finished basements due to expansive clay soil. Higher Radon levels than the rest of the country As a Certified Master Ins...
It was refreshing to inspect a couple homes yesterday that were not in foreclosure or someone trying to get in on the first time buyer incentive. It makes me feel more optimistic about the direction of the market. For a long time now,since about 2006, forclosures have been the majority of the typ...
How much do realtors know about radon? I had a realtor call the other day and when I asked if his client would like the home tested for radon ,he replied " We don't have much of that around here". Are you kidding?! I tested home in that area with very high levels. This area of the country has the...
I have noticed that I get much more calls when the sun is out. I tends to make people more active and productive.We have had snow on the groud here since November and our first snow was on the last day of summer.I have had to go back to inspections days later to see if the snow melted off the roo...

Brian Persons

Certified Master Inspector/Associate Broker
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Inspecting Northern Colorado for over 20 years