Good News at the Columbia Winery in Woodinville, WA - - - It was disheartening to have read a while back that the Columbia Winery in Woodinville, WA was considering closing up after the dinner train was placed on a siding for the time being. It must have been a real shock to business not to have
Home Sales Trending Woodinville WA 98077 This report offers a look at the existing home sales activity in 98077, Woodinville, WA. Through Q3 '09. All home sales information is derived from public records provided by the county offices. As you can see by the trends, both Number of Home Sales Trans
Want to Send ANOTHER Message to the White House? --- Massachusetts voters just sent a very powerful message to the White House. The future of this country is with all of us and our courage to speak out on the critical issues confronting us. Let's keep the ball rolling . . . Throughout the next
Seattle Area Home Buyers and Sellers, Time to Take the Leap? - - - Interest Rates Are Great! The best reason to buy or sell now is the fact that interest rates are below 5% currently and may be on the way to move above 6% in the near future. More important than the compelling home buyer tax credi
Brian Buffini launched a new series of Turning Point events with a kickoff free session in Seattle today, presented as: "Winning in the New Era of Real Estate. The thrust of his message is that we as agents have survived the Great Recession, or we would not have been in attendance today. We've ta
Did you ever find yourself needing to be pointed in the right direction? During a hike on Mt. Rainier, not far from the Seattle area, we received unique directions. Sandy, a yoga instructor, and our guide for the day, took the occasion to utilize one of her poses to direct us down the right path
There is no greater act that a human being can perform than showing compassion to those in need. Please do what you can to help these children. The earthquake that hit Haiti 6 days ago left behind it a path of destruction. According to official estimates, there are 330,000 Orphans in Haiti righ
Seattle / Tacoma WA Areas, Bright Spots in 2010 Housing Picture --- Two major factors align to forecast stabilizing, if not improving, housing markets for the major metropolitan areas of Seattle and Tacoma, with a general strengthening of the surrounding Puget Sound housing markets. According to
Social Media creates a demand for presenting ourselves online on a daily schedule. To some, it is fun and entertaining to engage with friends in sharing the latest adventure or discuss normally taboo subjects, like politics. It can get dicey, though, when a carefree, if not reckless, online imag
What's Great About Redmond WA Real Estate - - - Home of Microsoft? - - - Try the Water! One thing I've come to know about Nina, my real estate partner, is that she is a fine judge of character. Nina has know Kevin Murphy since he was 12 years old, so when Nina says listen to what Kevin has to say