If you find yourself relocating from the Seattle Area to Northern Virginia, you are in luck. No need to search for an agent back east. Contact Steve Bachman, he will provide the service you need. You can contact Steve and his wife Jan here: HomeByBachman.com You'll be glad you did. When folks a
Strong Words of Wisdom --- And a Gift for You --- A few days ago I had the good fortune to attend a Brian Buffini event. Brian’s co-presenter was Joe Niego, an amazing success story himself. During one of Joe’s segments, he kept returning to the same quote several times to underscore his message.
Help for Washington State Homeowners Facing Foreclosure --- Washington State Bar Legal Aid Project --- New Funding --- On February 11, 2010 a press release from the Washington State Office of the Attorney General went pretty well unnoticed. In the press release it was stated that cash from a Coun
Brian Buffini Turning Point 2010 . . . Are You Ready to Outperform the Recovery? --- Approximately 1200 people are attending the two day Brian Buffini Turning Point 2010 event in Bellevue, Washington. Almost half of the attendees are from out of state and a fair number from Canada. Some from the
Below are a series of rock sculptures along a shoreline of Puget Sound in Washington State. This type of construction is a popular art form in the area, to be found in surprising places, including formal gardens and backyard spaces. If you look really close you can see a new piece under construct
Our Thoughts Go Out to Our Friends on the East Coast - - - As the East Coast of America and the Nation's Capital begin to brace for yet another round of unbelievable snowfall, piling on already record amounts, our thoughts are with you. Let's remember how the lotus flower rises out of the murky
Let the Games Begin . . . The Pacific Northwest is Ready to Celebrate. - - - After having some fun with the weather last week, in a post highlighting the lack of snow in the Northwest, while the Northeast received enough snow for years to come, it is time to get ready for the opening of the XXI O
Super Bowl Cure . . . If You Don't Like Cute . . . Stop Here! - - - The strategy for today was to take my wife Mary to some event that would offset my engagement in that All America pastime of gorging on the Super Bowl. So, the event we just took in this morning was a rabbit and cavy (guinea pig)
Do You Qualify for the Homebuyer Tax Credit? --- We came across a site that offer a multiple choice quiz that is very well done in determining eligibility for the Homebuyer Tax Credit. This very informative site is appropriately named homebuyertaxcredit.com and has in addition to the very helpfu
PC World Alert: Fake Firefox Update Spreads Spyware - - - I know many ActiveRain members rely on Firefox to do their posts before pasting to the AR editing window. In scanning the latest news a few minutes ago, I came across a warning about a spyware virus lurking about that comes disguised as a