What a bountiful treasure chest is opened each and every morning by just being alive. We have so much to be thankful for living in a country full of freedoms and opportunities. Just by helping each other enjoy those treasures we all become richer for the experience. Try
If you have not been there yet, you need to check out the display at Molbak's before Dec. 23rd. The beauty is amazing . . . Many different colors and shapes . . . Vibrant hues . . . And an amazing tree to enjoy . . . Click o
Hey I found this awesome blog by Daryl this was written in Belfare that talks about why leave turn to various colors. So taking another look at the blog I wrote on Woodinville Real Estate Fall Colors you can appreciate why you see the wonderful variety. We all enjoy the colors of autumn leave
Woodinville Real Estate Fall Colors. One reality that continues to amaze me, as I work in real estate in the Woodinville area, is the lack of awareness of fall colors around Puget Sound. A number of friends have expressed disbelief that we have a colorful season. A foreign architect worki
Today's real estate market is in crisis due to improperly regulated financial activities. Short sales, foreclosures, and the current glut of bank-owned properties (REOs) make the purchase and sale of real estate more complex and risky than ever before. It is essential that buyers and sellers ha