This osprey likes his redfish raw. Can't say I blame him for loving redfish, it is one of my top three fish to enjoy! This was also taken out on Honeymoon Island yesterday. It was a fantastic day and there are so many osprey that call the island home, that getting photos like this really isn't th...
Bald eagle's are really beautiful and we have a family of them living on Honeymoon Island State Park. While we were taking our morning walk, I managed to get a great shot of one of our resident bald eagles as well as of the enormous nest that they have on the island.
Can you see the top of the Great Horned Owl that I photographed today at Honeymoon Island State Park? His ears are visible just over the top of the nest. This was a great shot since everybody was attempting to catch a photo of the owl later on as we returned down the trail. He was not to be seen....
The saying is 'Never smile like a crocodile' but this alligator seems to be smiling! We found him on the edge of Lake Tarpon today, during our early morning walk. The sun was out and this guy was enjoying the Florida sunshine and working on his tan! He was a young gator, about 6 feet long, which ...
It was indeed a windy day on Lake Tarpon today as you can easily see in the photo. White caps were on the water and I was pleased that we were taking a walk in the park next to the lake and not out on the boat today! With winds like this, there is no way I would be out in the boat!
Pinellas County Florida - Single Family Home Sale Prices for December 2014 are as follows: Less than $50,000 81 homes 26.6% increase over 12/2013 $50,000 - $100,000 187 homes 22.2% increase over 12/2013 $100,000 - $149,999 239 homes 42.3% increase over 12/2013 $150,000 - $199...
Speechless Sundays - Florida is called the Sunshine State for a good reason! It may be cold today, with an expected high of 65 degrees, but the skies are a beautiful shade of blue and the sun is out! THIS is why we live here! Nothing can compare to this! Well, perhaps Georgina's Maui can compare ...
Pinellas County Florida - December 2014 Single Family Home Sales Statistics compared to December 2013 are as follows: Closed Sales December 2014 1189 December 2013 846 40.5% increase Paid in Cash December 2014 456 Dece...
Throw back Thursdays takes us all the way back to my 17 years in Germany. That little Munchkin in the middle is my daughter (and real estate partner) Corinna! Her German grandmother and aunt are walking with her. Those were wonderful times. I noticed that grandpa is in the background too. Time pa...
Pinellas County Florida's monthly statistics for single family home sales (Traditional, REO/Foreclosure, Short Sale) November 2013 compared to November 2014 shows price increases across the board! Traditional Sales Closed 620 single family homes in November 2014 Traditional Sales Closed 533 singl...