A Louisiana Stager's Blog

Home Stager - FEATURE THIS... Real Estate Staging & Interior Decor
If you know what color "Haint Blue" is, then you may be shocked to find that not everyone everywhere knows what shade this color is, or what it can to do for homeowners today. Haint Blue is most commonly used on houses in the southern region of the United States; however, many cultures around the...
Clearly you're cute, witty, and socially presentable.  Me, too.  So how ‘bout it? Let's get together! I'm talking about sharing a Motivation-tini, and it's totally on me. Never had one? It's delish! It's got some side effects. It causes feelings of excitement. Sometimes it makes people do things ...
Hi Everyone, I am in need of input, from people who feel they are Color Trend-Spotters from the US. & Canada to help me with a workshop I am creating to be conducted in Canada. It will include participants from both countires. The topic of the workshop is The Regionality of Exterior Color Prefere...
MUTT-HOUSE????It's not often that I come across a house that is a mutt, but I got one this week.This house is a lakehouse, and this is the back-side, that leads to a pier and dock. The owner wanted a fun color scheme all, around as it is a vacation home, and really wanted to keep her red front do...
STAGING IS NOT FOR EVERYONE!Not all homeowners require recuperating all their equity with expediency.Many sellers can afford to wait for a bid that is in line with what their asking price is, or they are willing to heavily negotiate.That is why I choose not to target clients who fall into the abo...
Calling All Louisiana Stagers! I want to announce that RESA, the Real Estate Staging Association, www.realestatestagingassociation.com/ is launching Louisiana's first RESA Chapter in Lafayette. We are seeking Louisiana Stagers with all levels of experience and training, to become the founding mem...
Despite dozens of books and articles hailing the distinctive architectural history and extremely functional layout of the typical ranch-style house, many owners of these horizontal slices of Americana seem ashamed & disdainful of the lineage of their very own homes. Sometimes referred to as "Cali...

Michelle Molinari

Feature This Real, Estate Staging & Curb Appeal Concepts
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