A loan modification may dinge the credit report but it may be a better option than a foreclosure reporting. Good story on the need to disclose, disclose and disclose some more. The last thing many troubled homeowners want to hear is that they could be denied a car loan after they get a chance to ...
WSJ's Jerry Seib gives an update on today's Financial Crisis Inquiry Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in which he says the heads of J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America opened with the right mix of humility and gratitude, but remained defensive on bonuses. Watch the video
Freddie Mac’s recently released economic outlook describes a refreshingly brighter view of the year ahead, but the pace of recovery in the forecast is well below the growth that has followed most recessions in the past half-century. While the housing market showed broad signs of stabilizing in th...
There is some good economic news projected. According to the Economic Advisory Committee of the American Bankers Association, the economy is on a sustainable recovery path, and job growth will return this year. However, a more rapid economic growth will be hindered by high unemployment and restra...
Our buyer and seller networks are extremely important to all of us. I'm always surprised at how many struggling investors I meet who are trying to break into the real estate game without the support of experienced investors.For some of them it's not for lack of trying, so here are some tips to he...
Are we headed for a shift from a Home Buyers market to a Renters market? Here's a report from the Wall Street Journal that talks of the effect of the housing stimulus plan as well as raising that question and others about the need for continuation of the housing stimulus plan. Gains in home sales...
I came across this story and anyone involved with a short sale has a story to tell, but this report is over the top. CNBC's Diana Olick reports that for homes with two mortgages, the second mortgage holder is often demanding a short sale buyer pay them in cash on the side, and they're not reporti...
Should You Buy a Home Right Now?JUST DO IT! Buy that home you've always dreamed about. Pride of ownership is the number one reason why people yearn to own their home. It means you can paint the walls any color you desire, turn up the volume on your CD player, attach permanent fixtures and decorat...
I saw this in the Wall Street Journal and want to share. "The foreclosure crisis is far from over, according to RealtyTrac's Rick Sharga. The company will release its year-end report on Thursday showing foreclosures rose 20% over the previous year. He talks with Dawn Wotapka about some trouble sp...
This 2 story Brick Office Building Handicap Accessible with Wheelchair Lift located at 4247 South Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63111 will be SOLD to the Highest Bidder at Real Estate Auction on Friday January 15, 2010 at 11AM CST subject to Seller Confirmation. The Building will be sold "As Is, Whe...