
67 Stoneham Pl Metuchen, NJ Click For Listing Website Click For Interactive e-Tour Located on Cul-de-Sac2 Car GarageLandscaped PropertyCorner LotPlenty of Room for Everyone MLS# 816572 $622,500 4 Bed, 2.5 Bath 67 Stoneham PlMetuchen NJ, 08840 William "Bill" Farragher EXIT FIRST CHOICE REALTY 201...
Now some of you might be thinking what am I nuts. But follow me on this. In 1976 the price of gas was on average .59 gal. and cars got an average of 8-12 miles to the gal. So at today's prices of 1.42 gal and cars getting 25-30 mpg we are not too far from the equivalent of 1976 prices. How about ...
Holy Cow!!! It amazes me every year that we go how much new stuff there is. I have been going over my notes trying to figure out a game plan to implement all the great ideas we got. The speakers were outstanding, Amy Chorew, Jennifer Cummings, Chuck Bonamer, Bill Barrett were our favorite. If you...
Real or artificial. I have used an artificial for the last 26 years that I am married. I grew up with my mother using a real tree. It was a royal pain in the ......fingers. I have never been a big fan of putting the tree up. My wife and I used to have major discussions about it. That is until 5 y...
I had someone tell me today that we have been in a recession for the last year. What if you choose not to participate in it. If you didn't know and just went about your business as usual. Now I know that there are places that it is really bad. Even in those places things turn around, people start...

William "Bill" and Karen Farragher

local_phone(732) 696-8090
smartphone(201) 892-5640
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