Ines's Blog

Real Estate Agent - INES GARCIA/Avanti Way Realty
El proceso de Short Sale en Espanol
En verdad no estoy segura cual seria el termino en Español! No creo que existe y en realidad no estaba en nuestro vocabulario hasta hace algunos anos cuando comenzó esta locura en el mercado inmobiliario en los Estados Unidos. Que es un Short Sale?Un Short-Sale ocurre cuando el monto de la hipote...
When I write a new post at the botton the text of an older post gets added. I try to go back and edit the post and it doesn't show there. Has anyone gone throught the same issue? How can I solve it? Thanks!!!!
Show me the Money! I often hear about the lengthy letter borrowers are sending lenders to explain their hardship. Once the letter is sent they expect the bank will contact them right away to offer a loan modification; but it doesn't work that way and borrowers get frustrated. Even though having g...
They are a great source for Social Media Training! I have been attending their weekly seminars and I stay up to date with all the "good information"Following up on our slideshow about Real Estate Coach 2.0, we're introducing new ways for agents to continually learn the best of social media market...
I found this fascinating quote today: Myths and Reality of Foreclosures Sold in Weston, Pembroke Pines-Miramar, Weston Florida Real Estate Blog, Oct 2009 You should read the whole article.
En verdad no estoy segura cual seria el termino en Español! No creo que existe y en realidad no estaba en nuestro vocabulario hasta hace algunos anos cuando comenzó esta locura en el mercado inmobiliario en los Estados Unidos. Que es un Short Sale?Un Short-Sale ocurre cuando el monto de la hipote...
On Saturday August 16, 2008 at the Hyatt Hotel at Bonaventure, Hudson and Marshall auctioned more than 250 properties in the Southeast Florida Area. I would guess that more than 300 people attended. The process is very simple! I would say that the hardest thing is to follow the auctioneer who ta...
What do you expect from your broker / brokerage firm???It is very important to match what we as Brokers offer with what our associates are expecting from us. The resources and time we invest should serve to make them more productive. It's easy to focus in the wrong direction and provide unnecesar...

Ines Garcia

Real Estate for Real People
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