South Florida Ramblings

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Real Estate Agent - LoKation Real Estate - 3087750
Finding pet-friendly homes in Boca Raton FL and surrounding areas can often be overwhelming. However, it is not impossible! I am a REALTOR® who loves animals. Dogs are my passion and helping people find pet-friendly housing, which can often be difficult to navigate in Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Highland Beach and Boynton Beach. With or without a pet, I will find you your dream home! If you are looking to buy or sell real estate, I can help you!



 Home Prices in Boynton Beach FL for November 2016 Real estate market data for Boynton Beach, FL provided by Elyse Berman of Realty Associates Florida Properties. Closed sales in Boynton Beach Florida dipped ever so slightly in November 2016  for prices on single family homes as well as condos, v...
 Home Prices in Delray Beach FL for November 2016 Real estate market data for Delray Beach, FL provided by Elyse Berman of Realty Associates Florida Properties. We saw a decrease  on home prices in Delray Beach FL in November.  November market report shows a decrease in single family homes but an...
  Home Prices in Highland Beach FL for November 2016   Real Estate Market Data provided by Elyse Berman of Realty Associates Florida Properties. Home prices in Highland Beach FL showed a marked decrease this month over last.   There were no single family homes closed; however, 17 condos were sold...
 Home Prices in Boca Raton FL for November 2016 Real estate market data for Boca Raton, FL provided by Elyse Berman of Realty Associates Florida Properties. Boca Raton Home Prices  If you are interested in how much current inventory is on the market in Boca Raton you can find that information by ...
Blast From The Past in Boynton Beach FL When was the last time you saw one of these?  Intercoms were a big upgrade when we moved to Florida in 1994.  Everyone wanted one.  I found this blast from the past while touring homes in Boynton Beach the other day.  How many people would actually use one ...

Elyse Berman, PA

Boca Raton FL (561) 716-7824
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The Animal Rescue Site
' I initially felt a connection to Elyse. She was very understanding of my needs and the property location. It was important that I was in a gated ... more '
by user9365769
' I met Elyse in my neighborhood, shortly after I moved to Florida. I decided to rent until I got a feel for the area and decided where to buy a home. I ... more '
by user554831

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Elyse Berman PA - Agent with Realty Associates Florida Properties

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