Charlotte, NC: I have a buyer who wants to buy a log home and I am getting a lot of flack about financing it. Is FHA is out of the question? USDA? This is not your old fashioned log house with the chinking in the walls. This is an upscale interlocking log structure with a metal roof. Th
Charlotte, NC: Recently I sold a home here in Fort Mill SC to a couple from New York who found that they could not afford to retire in Queens on their teacher's and nurse's retirement pensions. Cost of living and taxes were running them out of town, not to mention heavy snow and ice and freezi
Charlotte, NC: So I was driving down Tryon Street toward my home in Plaza Midwood after apointments all day with three different clients. I was exhausted and my mind started to wander toward...the fabulous Amelies French Bakery in NODA, Charlotte's Art's District, just about 6 blocks out of my
Charlotte, NC: When I was a kid my dad used to tell me that with all the new technology happening at the time someday we would just take a pill and would not need to make meals any more. The pill would contain all the nutrients and protein and fiber we would need for the day. I just drank
Charlotte, NC: We are already seeing it. Here in Charlotte we did not have the huge run up in prices that some parts of the country saw; and so we did not have have a huge crash when the bubble burst. Still many people who bought at the top of the market in 2006 and 2007 may still be "underwat
Charlotte, NC: Here in North Carolina we have what is called a Due Diligence period in the Offer to Purchase contract that gives the buyer what amounts to a free look to see if they want to proceed with a contract they have negoitated with the seller of the home they are considering. This means
Charlotte, NC: In North Carolina real estate we have what is called the “due diligence fee”, a separate, nonrefundable fee a buyer may pay for a negotiated period of time (the “due diligence period”) during which the buyer may perform inspections, obtain loan approval, schedule a property surve
Charlotte, NC: It snowed to today in Charlotte! It's the second time in 2 weeks! It was just about an inch last time and it was gone the next day. It did not snow enough to stick today but it sure looked fabulous from the 31st floor of The Avenue condominiums in Uptown Charlotte. The Avenue
Charlotte, NC: This grand Colonial Revival style house, completed in 1913, is one of the oldest existing homes in Myers Park. In 1911, a new suburban development began on the on the southern edge of Charlotte . Built on what was then a cotton field owned by the Myers family, it became Myers P
Charlotte, NC; I have some clients that I really love and who are an inspiration to me. They live in a beautiful house in Mint Hill, a small town just outside the Charlotte city limits. He is 64 years old with an earring in both ears. He is almost always dressed in sweat pants or shorts an