Even in a down market, someone like me can get a client, show them a few houses, have them fall in love with one, get them qualified in an hour, and now prepare to put in an offer.  There is still life in the marketplace! I have a friend from school, who she and her fiancee, want to buy.  She ema...
1. I do not know how to rocognize others.  The truth is, you have to start somewhere.  Even if you mess up giving it, who cares, you tried. 2.  I am too busy.  We are all busy, but we seem to find time to do what is important to us.  Maybe we need to adjust our priorities and move recognition up ...
 The following are some  amazing pictures.  If this isn't the spirit of America, than I don't know what is. I love the Human Statute of Liberty.  I am proud that our fathers were willing to give there all for us to have the freedoms that we do.  I am, also, proud of our men and women who are, as ...
History Lesson on Kentucky For those of you who live in Kentucky you might find this interesting.  And for those of you who don't, YOU might also find this interesting. Today's history lesson 1792 - Kentucky was the first state on the western frontier to join the Union 1816 - (first promoted) Ma...
In today's market, homes are taking longer to sell.  There is a large inventory in all price ranges.  Buyers have a much larger selection of homes, from new and resale, to pick from.  This is expected to continue through 2008 and into 2009. Also, you have allot of foreclosures and bank owned home...
In life, change is inevitable. In business, change is vital.--  Warren G. Bennis Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconcious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character.                                                            ...
I have a client who has a piece of land that he wants to move.  It is 80 acres, next to Willow Springs race track.  It is on 65th St W, about 1mile off of Rosamond Blvd.  We are open to reasonable offers.  There are some new homes being built there.  There is electric on the edge of the property....
The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances.--  Martha Washington Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.                                          George Woodbury We become just by performing just actions, temperate by ...
I just got this little movie.  It is very touching.  I hope you all take a couple of minutes to check it out. Too many times we think we are wasting our life, when we are spending time around the house, or shopping with the kids, or reading to our child, or just sitting and talking to someone els...
Air-Powered Car Coming to U.S. in 2009 to 2010 at Sub-$18,000, Could Hit 1000-Mile Range The CityCAT, already being developed in India (bottom left), will be available for U.S. production in three different four-door styles. But it's the radical dual-energy engine, with a possible 1000-mile range...

Earl Sorrells-Palmdale

"The Pearl", Rosamond, Lancaster
smartphone(661) 400-9485
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For a Realtor who has your best interest at heart and who work hard to meet your wants and needs, Earl " The Pearl" Sorrells is your Realtor. Let Earl "The Pearl" help you find your jewel.