Last week, Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard professor who is also chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel of the TARP program made an appearance on the Jon Stewart show. While the interview is certainly funny, the subject is certainly something to be taken seriously. Remember, she's not a member ...
Mortgage rates have remained very low for quite some time now. In fact, many people have become used to the "record low" mortgage rate ads that have been plastered all over the TV, radio and internet for the last year or so. And for the most part, those ads have been true. Mortgage rates have ...
The First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit is a great incentive for Dallas / Fort Worth area first time homebuyers. But to take advantage of it, you need to get your plan in motion and start looking for a home rather quickly. You must close and fund on the purchase of a home by no later than November ...
Well I guess all of the emails from those Nigerian "millionaires" finally lost their effectiveness now that every person in the country receives at least 100 per day. So now the Nigerian scam artists have become more crafty in their tactics and are targeting people looking for rental properties ...
As part of the Water Conservation Ordinance passed by the Dallas City Council on September 21, 2001 and amended in 2007, Dallas residents are not allowed to water outdoors between the hours of 10AM and 6PM between April 1 and October 31. This applies EVERY YEAR, not just in 2009. The ordinance ...
Dallas has a rather unique mix of homes with slab (also called "slab on grade") and pier and beam foundations. The majority of pier and beam foundations in the Dallas area can be found on older homes built up to the 50's and early 60's. Pier and beam foundations are still built today, but usual...
Who wouldn't want to experience a flight into space? It's certainly one of the things on my bucket list. This is a video taken from a recent flight aboard a U2 spyplane. They reached a maximum altitude of over 70K feet, which is just over 14 miles above the Earth. It's certainly worth a view....
Unfortunately some more bad news has just been released about a large wholesale lender. I just received notice that Taylor, Bean and Whitaker Mortgage Corporation has ceased all operations effective immediately (August 5th, 2009 at 1:30PM). According to their press release, they were notified b...
Of the five factors that make up credit scores, this last one only accounts for a total of 10% of the score, but can have a large impact in the short term. The most talked about and perhaps the most misunderstood factor is the one regarding credit inquiries. 10% OF YOUR CREDIT SCORE IS DETERMIN...
The fourth factor in the credit scoring model has to do with having a fair mix of credit. 10% OF YOUR CREDIT SCORE IS DETERMINED BY THE TYPES OF CREDIT THAT YOU HAVE. Unfortunately, the credit bureaus are rather vague about exactly how many of each type is ideal, but it's safe to say that havi...