Be mindful when pulling cash out of your home that the cost of doing this is not excessive. Paying $7000 in refinancing fees may not be worth it when pulling out $15,000. You may want to try an alternative option to tide you over until your circumstances change.When trying to cash out the equity ...
I've seen this a few times on various blogs and websites. I thought it would be interesting to see where the different Active Rain members are located. I guess future releases will allow you to see how many people in your own city are clicking on your sites, blogs, and posts. You Can Get Your Own...
Many potential homeowners make a huge mistake by paying their monthly rental payment to their landlord in cash. Why is this a mistake?Many lenders will require 12 months cancelled checks to verify timely rent payments. If you only pay your rent with cash there will be no way to document a rent pa...
Today many homeowners have to much unsecured credit card debt that they struggle to pay every month. Reducing your monthly debt load by refinancing is a great option, but what can you do if youhave no equity in your home for a debt consolidation refinance? If you have no equity an good credit one...
Great Tax Advice from Christopher AndersonOver the years the tax laws have changed with regards to how the sale of your home is taxed. There were once laws that said that you could rollover the profit from the sale into a new more expensive home. There used to be a one time exclusion on the sale...
Real estate investing runs the gamut in terms of risk and investment success. The first rule of real estate investing, even before location, location, location, is be very careful with whom you are dealing. For some reason, real estate is fraught with unscrupulous characters, many of whom you'll ...
Great overview of the Chapter 13 process that I came across today. This author has a lot of great info on bankruptcy. By: Bowe Packer The US Congress passed a law that established a set of uniform laws to govern how bankruptcy was handled. These laws were situated under a system called the bankr...
In the world of real estate investing, people are always on the look out for different ways to make an investment purchase. Typically the property would simply be bought & mortgaged in the traditional manner. But, as home values rise and the cost of living in Washington increases, buyers are seek...
Credit cards play a large role in the development of your credit profile and your credit scores. Credit cards can greatly demonstrate your responsibleness, your payment history, your usage patterns, and your overall ability to be able to handle credit. So how many credit cards should a person hav...
So what exactly is tax deductible when you buy a home and how can you benefit from the tax deductions? This is a very common question, especially among first time home buyers. The main tax deductible item when you purchase a home is your mortgage interest. Every year around tax time, you will rec...