I was on a motorcycle trip to Little Falls, Minnesota and on main street was this massive church with a stature about it. I just had to share it with you. Little Falls is the birth place of Charles Lindberg who was the first pilot too fly across the Atlantic solo, the plane was named the Spirit o
Lavish Salon, Located in Champlin Minnesota...There's a new sheriff in town...ah I mean business in town. And boy at Lavish Salon do they "mean business". As an Aveda concept Salon, Lavish Salon upholds a high standard of excellence in the artistry of their craft and there purpose. Aveda products
"Smiling and saying Thank You" will make you rich!! Spread this habit around your office, your sales room, your business, the restaurant where you dine, and the stores where you shop. Oh for Gods sake, just Smile say Thank You and be Happy!!If you run a real estate business, are a lender, have a
Did you hear about the loan officer and real estate agent that fell victim to the crashing real estate market? They were forced to get jobs as a sandwich maker and cashier at the local Subway. One night, last week, 25 minutes before closing time, a builder walked into the store to order some fo
Hi my name is Duayne Weir I am a local Real Estate Professional.This post is about Blaine, Minnesota the history the demographics and information on this beautiful growing city. If you are interested in buying or selling your home or want more information http://www.duayneweir.com/ or give me a c
Hi, My name is Duayne Weir I am a local REALTOR I reside in Ham Lake.I decided to write on the beautiful city of Andover because I know they have a history together and currently share the same zip code. Please check out the great city of Andover, included on this post are some links for more in
I moved to Ham Lake, Minnesota 20 minutes north of Minneapolis off 35W in 2001 when I built a new home off of Lexington Avenue. Since then I have been getting familiar with the area and the things "my home town" has to offer. I hope this post will be of benefit too all who view it. Please come ba
How many of us have a friend that we can trust, a friend we can confide in?Most of my life I have never had trouble with making friends, it is said that if you want a friend be friendly. What is true friendship? To everyone it is different. Some say it is someone that is always there for you no m
This is a blog making myself real as inspired by: (Sarah Cooper -Blogging makes us real).Let me introduce myself. My name is Duayne Weir, I grew up in a small town in Sauk Centre, Minnesota on a farm. My parents instilled in me a good work ethic, and to do things right the first time. Boy the d
This is to expound on a reply I made to cyber cafe Molly speaks her mind ( Her friend got foreclosed). Now I'm no expert when it comes to money. But I do know this our dollar stretchs farther when we don't have high interest debt ( credit cards). Debt, Debt, and more Debt. Lets get rid of it. Now