Huntington New York School District: Huntington Schools as something for every child. It has a wide range of activties for each student so if your looking for a school District with a wide range of activties Huntington School District maybe the one for you. Huntington offers a high academics stan
A Great Value for your MONEY OverviewMapsPhotosDescriptionNeighborhoodMarket Stats $525,000 Single Family Home Main Features 5 Bedrooms2 Bathrooms1 Partial BathroomLot: 16,117 sqft Location 6Nicolette CtCommack, NY 11725USA To get updates on open home dates and other property events, please clic
Market Report for Huntington New York 11746:The Market is changing in Huntington New York: Now the buyers are looking for homes and the inventory is low and price is climbing up. If sellers are thinking about sell NOW is a good time to sell.The average price in 2011 were at $380,000 now in 2