Good morning Friends - Its time to continue with the 14 step marketing program for Listings. These steps are taken from "The Millionaire Real Estate Agent." By Gary Keller. His knowledge and experience has proven results time and time again. I'm taking time out of my day to share these steps with...
Friends - Over here in the west we are experiencing a heat wave. Which I imagine most of us will be catching up on our blog reading because its 8:30 am and its 80 plus degrees in Oregon (which is abnormal). Normally I offer a Monday morning joke, but today I figured many of you are just sitting b...
Friends - As promised I'd offer up some Internet nourishment from the Millionaire Real Estate Agent Book by Gary Keller. I firmly believe this book is a fundamental foundation to success in real estate. However, many of us dont necessarily have time to read entire books cover to cover. So here is...
Hey Friends - I was reading the Millionaire Real Estate Agent by Gary Keller the other day and found a things I'd like to share. While I know we all practice our real estate this way, sometimes a good refresher is necessary to get the cob webs out. I also know that in these more challenging times...
Hey Friends - I encountered a tax credit question that I was unsure of and wanted to know if anyone had any experience with this. A buyer wanted to get the best rate possible on a first time home purchase. So the mother was added who recently purchased a home. The buyer is the primary and the mot...
Friends, I was thumbing through some different articles to redistribute and I thought this made some very valid points. Similar to many things in life not necessarily just selling a home or losing weight. Thanks for reading. Enjoy! A while back I saw on television show with doctors giving advice...
Greetings all - Yes, i am a title rep. However, I was a real estate agent for over 4 years. I want to know your craziest short sale story. Tell it to me! My story was a long drawn out story spanned over a year and a half. I had a friend approach me telling me that they could no longer make their ...
Friends - Its always nice to start out the week with a smile. I'll do my best to get one out each monday :)Two Realtors Discussing a Sale:A super nice couple walks into your house that you have for sale. They tell you we love this neighborhood, this is where we want to be. They can't stop gushing...
Friends, I just wanted to start a conversation about the "Making Housing Affordable Plan." I have had the priviledge of working in the real estate industry for 4 years and then in the banking industry for a period of time. My title at the company was loan modification specialist. I was able to as...
Hey Everyone - I was just reflecting on 2008 on what I did right and what I need to work on. One thing that I realized is that no matter what i did, i made significant friends out of the transaction. Am I just too darn friendly? Does this make me a pushover? Most of my clients are still on speed ...