Boise Idaho Real Estate >> Agent & Marketing Specialist

Real Estate Agent - Integrity Group Inc.
A look into the Real Estate Industry and Real Estate Market in South Western Idaho and the surrounding areas.



Here are two great options in the Highly Desired Hillsdale Estates Subdivision. BUY: A Great custom built home completely landscaped with over 50 trees & tons of shrubbery. Nice backyard, perfect for BBQ's and outside entertaining. Note the rather large built in Brick Fire Pit. A great house, per...
Nothing is harder on a seller that keeping the home SHOW READY at all times. How many times have sellers received a call asking if it was OK to show and they just happen to be sitting right outside the property. Hey, it has happened to all of us at one time or another. This is especially more dif...
Here are some great uses for Bounce... Perfect for vacant homes. It helps keeping them smelling fresh without masking odors with overpowering air fresheners. I have personally tried ( or should I say made my daughters) #  3 in their bathroom. It REALLY WORKED!! Took a few sheets but hey.  10,11, ...

Donna Lueder

Meridian Idaho Real Estate
local_phone(208) 855-2477
smartphone(208) 447-6244
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Information regarding the Real Estate Market in South West Idaho and the surrounding areas. Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland