Daniel Poulos's (djpoulos) Blog

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Mortgage and Lending - The Elite Lending Team at Milestone Mortgage - 133260
If you bought your first home in 2008 you are bound by the benefits of last year's tax code.  The maximum credit for 2008 was $7,500 and involves a payback period.  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 makes the first-time home buyer tax credit bigger and better!  To cash in on this...
     In some markets more than 1 out of 10 homeowners are dealing with a pending foreclosure.  The most common initial reaction is to avoid the lender and bury one's head like an ostrich hoping to avoid danger.  It is impossible to hide from mortgage obligations without dire consequences but a pr...
Where it began.....       Despite having spent the last 22 years in the mortgage business I have never seen a time where such a high percentage of transactions where "negative equity" sales, either short sales or purchases of bank owned real estate.  The most successful real estate agents are cle...
Where are the Real Estate Vultures Feeding?              Newest figures show that buyer's are coming back into the real estate market drawn by huge price reductions.  2 years ago there was a critical shortage of affordable housing and now it's turned into a stellar buyer's market.  It's also esti...
     There are 2 major frustrations (and many more minor ones) with working short sale transactions.  The first is to be toiling for months to reach an acceptable price to the lender only to deliver the good news to a now disinterested buyer.  Since the due diligence clock doesn't start ticking u...
The negotiations are finally complete, whether amicable or warlike. Families, marital assets and obligations have been painfully divided. There is a breakdown of items and responsibilities with which you will each leave the courtroom.  With the final word of the judge you have entered the ever-gr...
Excerpt from "Credit Justice: Are Your Credit Scores Treating You Fairly?", by Daniel J. Poulos The Lesser of 3 Credit Evils: Short Sale - Foreclosure - Bankruptcy Which has the worst impact on credit scores? ForeclosureForeclosure is a legal process (in most states) that results in the lender re...

Daniel Poulos

Paving the Way to Home Ownership for 30 Years
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