Central Ohio Real Estate News and Views

Managing Real Estate Broker - Full Circle Property Management



Its time for college to kick in again, and have you ever thought of your local community college for real estate education? I teach a class at Columbus State Community College that is called Residential Sales Practices, and it starts the 24th from 6 to 9 PM. Its kind of on the basic side, but do ...
Could that be the real estate market heating up? I hope so. Already in Central Ohio I have seen showings pick up since Labor Day, and have had more inquiries into my listings. I think the novelty of buying a foreclosed home has gone away as people are realizing that they are not going to give tho...
I don't get my friends and relatives. I just found out one of my friends is selling his home and buying another through a total stranger while I am a very competent real estate agent. I have helped many total strangers purchase the single largest investment most will ever make, and my friends use...

Dennis Swartz

MBA, GRI...experience counts!
local_phone(614) 538-1717
smartphone(614) 214-6601
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