Central Ohio Real Estate News and Views

Managing Real Estate Broker - Full Circle Property Management



So many times there are great classes for investors that turn into a 3 hour class about how to buy the speakers product and make them rich and not you. After a few hours of that, you are thinking "no way, this won't work". But what if there was such a class that would teach you the right way to i...
So many agents ask me what designations are good and waht classes should they take, and I wanted to give some advice. Our local community college, Columbus State Community College (www.cscc.edu) has a great real estate program and actually offers an associates degree in real estate.This quarter (...
They are not so hard, these short seller sales! As a matter of fact I just did one and it was way easier than working with tall sellers. It always hurts my neck to keep looking up to them. Plus, I always feel like the tall sellers are looking down on me. I always wonder if they think they might b...
Just read that article on a Realtor site and thought it was great. Never put a buyer in your car again! Fantastic idea! I am going to start strapping them to the roof right away! I drive an SUV with a roof rack and they will have plenty of room up there. Might get a tad cold from time to time, bu...
I am beginning work on a new college class to add to our associate degree program in real estate at Columbus State (in Ohio) about Professionalism and Realtor Etiquette, and could use your help.This is a 3 credit hour class and if we get responses, will offer it to our degree seeking students, ma...
Just came back from 3 days in Vegas as I just needed a break. Selling nothing is tiring, as I have been besieged with showings from people who want to know if I will pay them to buy my listings. Unfortunately, I do not have that kind of money.So I went to Vegas to win enough money to retire, and ...

Dennis Swartz

MBA, GRI...experience counts!
local_phone(614) 538-1717
smartphone(614) 214-6601
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