Sometimes you think that if you call a professional if you have a problem you will get help, right? What if that person was looking out for themselves, and not you? That would not be a good thing for you. One of the newest games in the real estate market is short sale help. You get behind in your...
What is it about misfortune that brings all the schemers and crooks out of the woodwork? You are already behind in your payments on your home and along comes a person with a great idea to save you. Beware the night in shining armor or the mess they will get you in may be worse than the one you al...
I was talking to an agent the other day who called on my listing and she kept asking me questions that only the original owner of the home would know. Finally, I explained to her that I did not have the answer and the seller was the bank and there is no way to find out the info she needed. You wo...
I am sorry but I have a problem with not reporting to the public the truth and spinning the numbers to make things look good. My local association and the NAR are reporting things to the public that I do not agree with, and I need to stand up. They are saying the median price is similar to before...
If you have followed my previous advice and exhausted all your options with your lender than it may be time to move to step 2.The hardest thing to do is to admit that you have a problem and need help. However, if you can't save your home and the foreclosure is inevitable, you may need to step up ...
East-side Columbus (43227, 43232, 43213 zips), Ohio numbers are in for the month of January 2008. Let's see how they stack up, and then compare them for 2007 to see the change in the market. There were 58 sold properties in January 2008, as reported by the Central Ohio Regional Multiple Listing S...
Reynoldsburg, Ohio numbers are in for the month of January 2008. Let's see how they stack up, and then compare them for 2007 to see the change in the market. There were 19 sold properties in January 2008, as reported by the Central Ohio Regional Multiple Listing Service. The average home sold was...
Pickerington, Ohio numbers are in for the month of January 2008. Let's see how they stack up, and then compare them for 2007 to see the change in the market. There were 21 sold properties in January 2008, as reported by the Central Ohio Regional Multiple Listing Service. The average home sold was...
Got a call yesterday from our corporate relo saying they need a BMA (broker market analysis) on a home for a relo client moving from our area. The home is 30 minutes from me and I am the closest. They are sending 2 agents, me and the people that sold them the home in 2006. Great. They want a full...
Yea, I know there are a lot of homes in Blacklick for sale, but this is almost brand new and priced at thousands less than new homes being built nearby. Located in Creekstone, this home at 658 Loreto Lane is priced at only $179,900 and has a first floor master suite with great room concept! Large...