Looking for a Single Family Detatched, Town Home or Condo for Sale in Close-In SilverSpring or Takoma Park Maryland? There are 83 Homes for Sale in Silver Spring and Takoma Park, Maryland with Open Houses on Saturday or Sunday, November 7th and 8th, 2015.Open Houses in the Silver Spring & Takom
Looking for a Single Family Detatched, Town Home or Condo for Sale in Close-In Silver Spring or Takoma Park Maryland? There are 56 Homes for Sale in Silver Spring, Maryland with Open Houses on Sunday August 9th, 2015.Open Houses in the Silver Spring & Takoma Park Zip codes - 20901, 20902, 20910
Wow - There are lots of myths busted here about VA Loans! VA loans are the most misunderstood mortgage program in America. Industry professionals and consumers often receive incorrect data when they inquire about them. In fact, misconceptions about the government guaranteed home loan program
There are a lot of Homes in Silver Spring, Takoma Park and Washington DC that fit this senario - "Very Well Maintained" but not Updated . . . . We are sometimes asked to list houses that may be a part of an estate...or for someone who is going to downsize, move to another part of the country
Memorial Day Weekend has passed and the various Silver Spring Neighborhood and Community Pools are now OPEN for the season! With school out and the mercury rising, a neighborhood swimming pool is the perfect place to while away those hot, humid summer days we have here in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Looking for a Single Family Detatched Home for Sale in Silver Spring, Maryland? There are 61 Single Family Detached Homes for Sale in Silver Spring, Maryland with Sunday Open HousesAll Silver Spring Zip codes - 20901, 20902, 20903, 20904, 20905, 20906 and 20910. Some areas included in these zip
The Tuesday before Lent the time to indulge or Fatten up before tightening belts and giving up things for Lent, which starts on Ash Wednesday. It is the Fat Tuesday associated with Mardi Gras and it is the Shrove Tuesday associated with Pancake Suppers or Pancake Day.Tomorrow, Tuesday, February
Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13 th, 2018 is Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day, is the day before Ash Wednesday, (the first day of Lent) it is celebrated by the cooking and eating of pancakes, a last feast before the fasting and self denial of Lent. Many Silver Spring and Takoma Park,
Can a perfectly useful home “expire”? The answer is yes. If you’ve never heard of “functional obsolescence,” now’s a good time to familiarize yourself with the term. Sometimes a perfectly nice home in fine shape simply won’t sell. Fresh paint, fine curb appeal, a solid neighborhood… and no offe
Why selling your Silver Spring or Takoma Park home this winter may be the best, most lucrative route to take if you want to sell this year! While some sellers think about taking their home off the market in the winter, believing spring or summer would deliver better results, I would caution again