Something Michelle and I want to share. Michelle is a Breast Cancer Survivor and in August we celebrated her 4-year anniversary of being cancer free. When Michelle was diagnosed the amount of support both moral and financial was amazing. We want to give back and pay forward and here is how we ...
Let me save you an embarrassing post on social media, “It’s raining, and The Villages are running the sprinklers and watering the golf courses!” You will have 100 comments correcting you some maybe not nice as people love to try to make people feel stupid. Here is the story, many of the ponds a...
A friend called me over the weekend all excited she was buying a Mini Cooper, that’s a small car for anyone not sure what a Mini Cooper is! My friend is 4 foot nothing and she didn’t like her husband’s SUV as she could either reach the steering wheel or the petals. Problem solved a very small c...
Find yourself around Lake Sumter and need to eat? You have plenty of choices and recently twice it has been Redsauce for us. A good Italian meal now and then is good for you and for many of you it brings up family memories of your mom or grandmother promoting her homemade sauce. The other nigh...
About once a week I enjoy digging into the list of more than 3,100 social clubs here in The Villages, Florida and finding a club that I know nothing about. How fitting I stumbled across the Villages German Band as we approach Oktoberfest next month. Interesting group and getting ready to be a b...
My advice to those moving to The Villages, Florida sell your furniture otherwise your big cherry hutch and heavy wood furniture could end up at one of the local used furniture or consignments shops. Recently I went to visit my estate sale buddy about an upcoming sale he is doing for one of my cl...
Michelle and I have been sponsoring Halloween Parties for the past 12 years it is one of the 3 we host annually and has it ever grown! We started theme Halloween Parties 3 years ago with our Pink Halloween Party to support October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Last year was a blast with ...
Congratulations, you just made it through the toughest part of being a fulltime Floridian! The month of September you feel the change and looking at the 15-day forecast we are talking highs in the mid to upper 80’s and evening in the mid to upper 70’s. Humidity is dropping and it’s time for par...
It’s Labor Day and for many of you it has been 45+ years of working hard for your money and like many Labor Days it was the final long summer weekend (does not apply to Florida)! During those 45+ years you saved, bought a few homes along the way sold a few and now considering The Villages, Flori...
The Villages, Florida has it’s share of loyal football fans both college and professional and plenty of clubs supporting them! On Friday if you were at Spanish Springs you saw how much support for college football as thousands turned out in team colors to support their teams. With folks moving ...