Lois's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Century 21 Birchwood Realty, Inc.
Don't beleive what you read in the papers, this is a great time to buy real estate. Whether you are re-locating to the area, looking for a vacation home or investing, the opportunities are fantastic! Buy now!!
Good Morning....Here is today's market updat from the Think Big Work Small Guys.  This morning the boys have zeroed in on several items:  FHA not allowing the the terms Specialist or Expert, ect. to be used in websites or advertising; New Home sales at a 4 month high; Feds unlikely to raise rates...
Good Morning...Here is today's market update from the Think Big Work Small Guys.  The boys are happy we survived Dooms Day, and today they are discussing wheather it is counter productive for FHA to possibly increasing their Down Payments;  FHA wants to do smaller loan amounts with a 95% loan to ...
According to Wikipedia.org Dhimmitude is a neologism first found in French denoting an attitude of concession, surrender and appeasement towards Islamic demands. It is derived by adding the productive suffix -tude to the Arabic language adjective dhimmi, which literally means protected and refers...
Well, I watched the interview with Herman Cain and Cris Wallace this morning and can see what all the ruckus is about and why the Tea Party likes this man.  I was impressed with his staight forward answers even when he didn't like the question.  I also like the fact he is not afraid to acknowedge...
The field is closing; Daniels is not running.  I like Daniels but have adopted a "wait and see" attitude concerning my options of choice.  Cain is in, and seems to be growing in momentum even though he only has a 29% name recognition at this time. BecauseI don't know a  lot about him, I will be w...
Sorry this is so later...Here is today's market update from the Think Big Work Small Guys. The discussion today is about the $40 increase in our NAR annual dues.  Agents are upset due to part of this money going towards mandatorypolitical contributions.  The boys also give Percentages concerning ...
Good Morning...Here is today's market update from the Think Big Work Small Guys.  Today the boys have an interesting discussion on Duel Agency representation.  The example they use is a conflict with an Appraisal on a listing with the Buyer and Selling being represented by the same agent.  Is thi...
Good Morning...Here is today's market update from the Think Big Work Small Guys.  This mornings discussion touches on several issues: MERS, in Michigan, not meeting state requirements for Advertised Foreclosures which could effect thousands of foreclosures including closed deals; NARcreating a de...
Good Morning...Here is today's market update from the Think Big Work Small Guys.  Today's dicussion centers around The End of The World as we know it, as announced by Timothy Geikner.  With our ceiling at 14.29 Trillion our government is continuing to spend, print more money, and devalue our doll...
Good Morning...Here is today's market update from the Think Big Work Small Guys. The discussion today centers around Appraisals and the problems with them, such as Appraising out of your geographic area.  Why these problems are just starting to be addressed, and an explanation of why there is a c...

Lois Davies

Cape Coral & SW Florida
local_phone(239) 542-0065
smartphone(239) 357-5558
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A full time agent serving all of Lee County.