Three handsome male dogs are walking down the street when they see a beautiful, enticing, female Poodle. The three male dogs fall all over themselves in an effort to be the one to reach her first, but end up arriving in front of her at the same time. The males are speechless before her beauty, sl...
While everyone is thinking of the upcoming holiday season don't over look you home. As the rainy weather starts to set in all over the country it is recommended that you take a long close look at your homes wood trim. Is the paint cracking, peeling or chipping? This is the time to get everything ...
I went on a home inspection in the wonderful city of Rialto yesterday. Take a look at these pictures.The home was built in 2000. A 4 bedroom home with 3 baths and 1875 square feet of living space. The home inspection went well. One small leak at a sink trap in the bath room. The home was also mi...
David Home Inspection Service has been on Twitter for over a year now. We have many Real Estate pros who follow us from inspection to inspection. Our Screen Name is FollowDhi. It stands for follow David Home Inspection. We are based in Southern Ca. And love to network with our Realtors and client...
Here is a good joke for funny friday. Mother tells little Johnny, as they wait for the bus, to tell the driver he is 4 years old when asked because he will ride for free. As they get into the bus the driver asks Johnny how old he was. "I am 4 years old". "And when will you be six years old?" asks...
LA Home Inspector Finds Shag Carpet In & 70s Ranch Home. Look at these pictures. One thing you don't see everyday. Carpet in the bathroom. This is why. The carpet makes it hard to properly seat the toilet to it's flange. Take a look at the wall behind the toilet, see the water damage? That is fr...
I inspected a home yesterday in West Covina that had 3 layers of roofing installed on it. Take a look at these pictures. As a home inspector in Southern California I find homes with three Layers of roofing all the time. When you get this many layers on a roof system many things can go wrong. One ...
Los Angeles Home Inspector describes the difference in furnace burner flames. Take a look at the pictures below. When you have your home inspected. Many inspectors will also check the color of the burner flames. The color and intensity is important to determine the condition and efficiency of the...
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, the top seven countries that had significant holdings in U.S. real estate as of 2007 were: Germany - 13 % Latin America - 13 % Australia - 11 % Japan -10 % United Kingdom - 10 % Canada - 6 % Netherlands - 6 % It is obvious this group of buyers makes u...
Three old men sit in a diner, discussing their health. One man says, "You know, I'm getting really forgetful. This morning, I was standing at the top of the stairs, and I couldn't remember whether I had just come up or was about to go down." The second man says, "You think that's bad? The other d...