David's Thoughts, Tirades, Rants & Blogs!

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Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX Concierge - SL0475285
For those of you who have been following "the Scr#wing is Coming" series of blogs, here is the continuing saga.  For those of you who are new to this, you can either go back through my blogs and read from the beginning or just accept the summary here. I was sent an email from a "Turkish buyer" lo...
At a recent working dinner meeting of several top producing agents in the South Broward real estate market, one of the participants asked me why I stay with RE/MAX? They followed up with, “If you know that it’s less expensive to be with [another brand], why don’t you move?  My answer is simple.  ...
One of my buyer agents took a call from a prospective buyer calling off a magazine ad.  She felt “he was rude, abrupt and nasty.”  She didn’t want the lead and didn’t want to work with him.  I took the call and discovered that the reason he was not his normal happy self, was that he had left a vo...
Being that we don’t have a “real” job that pays benefits, agents must seek these “perks” out for themselves.  We need health insurance, life insurance long term care and disability insurance.  While I am neither an insurance salesman nor do I consider myself an expert in the field, I do surround ...
Do you recall reading an advertisement in the Realtor magazine from an agent that promises “You to can earn $365,756 a year, just like me!”?  She claims that she learned secrets from some un-real estate related business that caused her to have major growth in her business.  I’m sure the lessons s...
Ok, so today is NFL football.  The problem I have with what these players are making is the huge inequities between what they are getting paid and what people who really make a difference in people’s lives get paid.  Here’s an example: For 2004 Peyton Manning had an annual income of $35,037,700. ...
Forget about the bubble bursting, it’s making a mess all over everything!  I’m not saying that I’m not grateful or appreciative for the offers that are 25% less than my already low low asking price (upwards of $100,000 below asking). I’m just having the time of my life presenting these offers to ...
Several years ago, I was interviewing potential assistants.  Bob Pavey (an AR participant) shared an office with me. He came running into my office, completely out of breath and exclaimed, “Wait until you see what’s waiting at the front for you!”  I went up to meet my interviewee.  She was wearin...
8 years ago I worked with a “dancer” to find a home. She bought an investment home that I owned. She had $80,000 as a down payment. She reported that she earned that money one dollar at a time (she intended the pun!)  She was approaching 40 and I asked her what she intended to do as it gets more ...

David Eiglarsh

CRS, CDPE, Serving South Florida
local_phone(954) 453-2020
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