I just wanted to take a minute to say HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all my friends that come across my blog. My goal is to increase my post for next year, so I am hoping to talk to more people this coming year. This was a down year in Real Estate but my business is up. I hope everybody has a happy health hol...
We have a lot of people asking questions about the new tax credit for home buyers. I have received a number of calls asking for more information about how the second time buyers tax credit works. So the market has a lot of activity, and I have a few more listing coming from people ready to move u...
I have been asked this question by so many people over the last month. People just don't understand how it effect their credit? I am also surprised at the amount of people that are in trouble? It must be a sign of the time, I am trying to help as many people as possible to make the correct decisi...
The numbers of people that I talk to every day about short sales and foreclosures are surprising. Some people want the help and others seem like they don't care? I care about my credit rating, my home, my business, but it seem like other don't care?? Do we live in a disposable society? A lot of p...
Well I finally got one to come together in only 6 weeks. With a lot of help from the client and getting an attorney involved. The attorney worked out great, he was on top of it daily making all the right calls. This is a lot better than the six months I spent last time, and then found out the per...
I went to Boston today to get involved with REALTOR Day on Beacon Hill! I was a little surprised on the small number of people that get involved? I guess like everything you have a certain percentage of people getting involved. But I decided to do my part and network with other REALTORS, and Legi...
I have been so busy talking to people about the market. I am amazed with as much information that is in the news still the right information is not getting to the people that need the most help! I spend a lot of time to help educate people on the options they have available. Most people are conf...
Ok, May is getting away from me and I have been so busy I haven't had a chance to blog. The mortgage market is still a challenge on some deals. New criteria is stalling the closing process. But the market is going in the right direction. A total of 2 new listings so far in May, 2 more coming in n...
May is turning out to be a great month early. So far I have one under agreement and a second going under agreement on Monday. I have 2 new listings so far and it is only the 2nd of the month. I see a lot of positive signs with the people I am talking too each day! I will let you know how we do, b...
It has turned into a great market and I have never been busier. I have a few properties go under agreement this week along with getting another new listing. And the buyers I am getting re qualified and ready to buy, the first time home buyers are getting excited about the $8,000.00 tax credit! I ...