Great Starter Brick Ranch at Move-In Condition! Westminster, CO - COMING SOON, is this great Starter Home in unincorporated Adams County! Details of this home: Brick Ranch w/ a basement, 1-car detached garage w/ opener, new tile flooring in the kitchen and 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors on main lev...
Westminster, CO - What does the product bar coding tell us? How often do you wonder where this product is manufactured, what country, was it made in the USA, or China, or any other country?? I came across an email that was sent to me by a client that actually had some enlightening informa...
Westminster, CO - Every now and then you get a strange request from a homeowner that finds your blog and needs to inquire about the short sale process! Now, that's a good thing!! We certainly want to assist someone that has a real estate need. A few weeks ago, I was approached via my email i...
Foreclosure Notices and 3.8% Transfer Tax on Real Estate!! FORECLOSURE NOTICES UP OR DOWN IN YOUR AREA?? Westminster, CO - After seeing the news reporting that "foreclosures" are down across the Country, I noticed that you really cannot say that in one County that I market in. Jeffers...
WESTMINSTER SHORT SALE SUCCESS ON A TRAILSIDE TOWNOUSE!! Westminster, CO - It is very rewarding when accomplishing a successful "short sale"!! Not ALL short sales are due to a distressed situation of a job loss, income loss, health related, divorce, or trying to Stop a Foreclosure! In some si...
Ocwen Short Sale - Now what?? Westminster, CO - Wow, we worked a short sale to a successful closing with Ocwen!! Yes, they do tend to have a very unusual way about them. To complicate matters, they have located their Loss Mitigation Dept to INDIA!! It just adds to the nonsense you will deal w...
A SHORT SALE IN WESTMINSTER REACHES SUCCESS! Westminster, CO - It is very exciting to complete a Short Sale with a successful conclusion for all parties. We are pleased to satisfy the real estate needs of another client that had to relocate out of state for employment!! Again, this short sale ...
48 Hours To Final Blessing and Disbursement! Westminster, CO - That is right, 48 hours to review a final HUD-1 in order to get a Short Sale lender to review, what they had previously agreed to, based on their Short Sale Approval letter, or HAFA agreement, or whatever!! In Colorado, we do our best...
2012 Economic Outlook in the Broomfield / Westminster, CO Areas! Westminster, CO - As fall looms on the horizon the 2012 Economic Outlook in the Broomfield/Westminster real estate market continues to show improvement over 2011. Through August/2012 Broomfield/Westminster single family home sal...
Mortgage Debt Relief Act-Reminder to get this Bill Extended!! Westminster, CO- Just another reminder about getting the Mortgage Debt Relief Act extended! It has been referred to as the HB 3648, and it was designed to assist those homeowners from being hit with a "tax liability" due to deficienci...