Dan Hopper's (danhopper) Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Dan Hopper - Gold Way RE
"Updates to the Economic Snapshot of Broomfield / Westminster Areas   Westminster, CO -  Looking at the Economic Snapshot in the Broomfield / Westminster Areas of Denver Front Range, we see some GREAT changes in values when compared to the same time frame in 2012!! That is exciting!!  We have see...
"Firework Events In The Denver Areas!" Westminster, CO - It is that time of the year to Celebrate our "Independence Day"!! With all of the "hot temperatures and droughts", happening through-out the Western States, many of the Cities, Counties, and States have been forced to shut down any of the f...
"Broomfield / Westminster Economic Snapshot-May 2013"   Westminster, CO- Let's review the Economic Snapshot of the Broomfield and Westminster areas of Denver.   "What is Happening in Your Neighborhood?"   Please, LIKE my Fan Page at http://facebook.com/milehighforeclosure!! "Always use your Perso...
"Make It A Special Father's Day!"           Westminster, CO - HAPPY FATHER's DAY!!   This is the time of the year that we get to acknowledge ALL the Fathers out there!! I have decide to address my Siblings, and Honor their devotation and dedication to Fatherhood!   This photo is representative of...
"Wow, 236 Years Ago, Today!"     Westminster, CO - "Yes, over 236 years ago, today, the Continental Congress adopted a flag bearing 13 stars and 13 stripes. The stars now number 50, but the red, white and blue design remains a symbol of freedom and democracy."  Read more ... here!     Please take...
"Buyers Seeking a Down Payment Assistance Program!!"     Westminster, CO - One of the greatest benefits of working in the Real Estate industry, are the other real estate affilates that enhance your business and we in turn can do the same for those affiliates! One such affiliate is the LimeTree Le...
"Be Sure The Complex is FHA or VA Approved!"   Westminster, CO - How many times have you placed a property, mostly condo / townhouses, on the market without checking whether or not it is an approved complex by FHA or VA?  It really is easy to do, if you are not paying attention to the approval li...
"Develop Confidence To Create Success!" Westminster, CO - Every Now and Then, you come across a very important Speech that can give a person that "AH HA" moment!!  Recently, I was sent a youtube video of a speech done many years ago, by Art Williams. For those of you that do not know Art, he was ...
"An Anniversary To Remember!"     Westminster, CO - Today is a day for me to remember what happend exactly 8 years ago.  Not that I really do need a reminder, but I will share it with others! On May 25, 2005, while playing "Men's Doubles" in the USTA Tennis League match in the Parker area, southe...
"Real Estate Market in Broomfield / Westminster Update!"   Westminster, CO - Please review the Market Updates in the local areas of Broomfield County and Jefferson County! The real estate market is changing, and NOW is the time to make that move, and "Take the  HOP  to Excellence"!!     Check out...

Dan Hopper

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