I was around 32 years old before I found my passion which was residential real estate. If this is what you are doing, and you are not experiencing some success or even all of the success you desire, why not QUIT? And don't waste any more of your life in this area. Go find your PASSION.Last week I...
Quack Quack.Now that Halloween and election day are over the next big plan for many Americans is Thanksgiving. Before you know it it will be 2023. Today I have the pleasure of having lunch at Oreganos with a former Toastmaster, who is suffering from a divorce procedure. Going to pick up a copy of...
It has always seemed pitiful to me when I ask a person (always younger than myself) if they are going to vote or if they voted, and they say no. Well, for Americans that is not the case anymore.And this is a POSITIVE part of all of the verbal abuse, arguing, and loss of friendships. we have exper...
Since 1978 I have been in hundreds of homes and listed around 600 for sale. IMAGINE what you can see and learn from being in 600 homes and talking with the owners!  My last listing was for a client who had asked me to sell another of her homes around 25 years ago. Those are the FUN ONES! Do you k...
Who do you have right now that you have been meaning to just stop by and visit, or make a call to and thank them for using you as a real estate agent, or mailing a get well card or birthday card or just write a plain thank you note to someone, anyone you know?Well, do it NOW! Life is so short. Th...
In the past week, I have had two friends who have been friends for 15 and 30 years who asked me how I am always so positive. Some people have it and some do not. It is a simple process, there are many intervals to it and the KEY is to work on it daily, you see I believe when you have negative or ...
Buying a home is a stressful process. I know I have purchased thirteen homes in three states, also I have helped almost 1,000 families buy or sell a home. I have heard complaints from many people. Some of them were when a person found me after having negative experiences with other real estate ag...
We were talking about my wife who had a major seizure Sunday afternoon after church we were with a friend and at Cracker Barrel (where my wife loves to go and where I even take a pillow to sit on the hardwood chairs)  How her arm began shaking but was locked into place and bent at the elbow, then...
From being a Realtor since 1980 and working with buyers, they do not want to be anywhere near the neighborhoods where there is even a possibility of homelessness creeping in. You have heard there is more than one way to skin a cat. Here is a way to help increase the value of your home (depending ...
When focusing on the future, and the present for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals I have always realized there was no worry or fear to interrupt my thinking. In order to do that there is a necessity for discipline and consistency that helps create the power to continue moving forward. Maki...

Dan Dee McGinnis The Pumpkin Man

The Pumpkin Man
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