Can someone tell me how this works? Is there some voodoo in the air? A couple of times recently I have heard the media say The President of the United States says things are getting better! 196 Walmarts are closing, I would think, some stores would be opening if things were getting better, not cl...
Should You "GET IT" and Choose to do soYou may or may not see the value in this little small itemSee the power of this little blue button that has WHITE letters that say:Oh by the way if you live in Arizona, forget it, I created this idea and got the personal license plate quite some time ago. Af...
Do YOU Have a KNOWING and a BELIEF of yourself?If you don't like me that is ok there are other people who want to sellFirst of all there are a few types of people in sales, we will focus on two of them. #1 the forceful, pushy, demanding, type #2 (the type I am) the easy friendly, laid back want t...
Ladies and Gentlemen, let's face it as a fellow Realtor named Buzz shared with me numbers this week, and you have heard them possibly: 70-30 80-20, you may or may not know what I am talking about here, and you could have just got your license last week, last year, or 36 years ago as I did.It is...
I am curious who if anyone out of 337 people who read this will respond back to me?You got it right away didn't you? Because if you are a baseball player or go to baseball games, or watch baseball games or if you are a fisherman, or have been fishing, or watched fishing on television, you already...
If you would like to see Trump as President, and you know how to get this message to him, you see I never went to college, he did. Either he learned the wrong thought process, or he forgot what he learned, or he just doesn't know better so that would be called a mistake he is making.You see my 8...
Unless you know a large number of people in high income places, owning $400,000 range homes who have no knowledge whatsoever of the name of any real estate agent anywhere in the whole wide world, or you own a magic wand free and clear, or are willing to begin at an entry level or where the averag...
What are you thinking after you read the title of this? It seemed appropriate to use that in order for our discussion, and to get the wheels turning in your brain, as I heard part of that phrase this morning from a recording of one of my most favorite speakers, Jim Rohn.At lunch today with one of...
1 Having the wrong mindset, personality, wrong beliefs, not understanding some FSBO's are nice reasonable, kind, considerate people. Some are very hateful toward agents, THIS IS AMERICA, you have the right to NOT BE MISTREATED.2 Not having music playing when not on the telephone to help maintain ...
Events, working escrows and several things took first place so past 24 hours we were not available. We are back to finish this event.Back about three months I began planning, thinking, focusing on 2016 being my best year ever in 36. Well, WOW is the best word that comes to mine for now. Income fo...