Curious about how the latest Tax Reform might impact lending, real estate, and you personally? Worried if less buyers will buy in the higher price ranges if they can't write off the mortgage interest? Wondering if areas with higher state and local property taxes may see an exodus of homeowners t
Adding it upIf you're like me, you enjoy reading factoids, info-graphics and statistics. Especially when the numbers or results are relevant to you. If you are thinking about buying or selling a home in Virginia, and are curious to know what has been happening in the real estate market in Virgini
Even though it's the first week of January and the temperatures are incredibly low, the traffic at properties and the numbers of offers are quite high. Lise Howe does a great job of spelling out some the of the things you can do to battle it out in the Bidding Wars. From the buyers’ standpoint,
I recently heard a discussion of real estate agents focused on choosing the tagline or phrase that differentiates them from all the other agents. It made me think I should explain the process I went through and why I selected the words that make up the Hollish Hill Group tagline. There are so ma