Dale Bledsoe's (dalebledsoe) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Crown Key Realty
Yesterday I read a blog by Laura Sargent in Mt. Pleasant South Carolina. The basis of the blog was doing good deeds in December with the Christmas spirit. One of the suggestions “bring a box of donuts to a local firehouse”. I thought that was a great suggestion. I have a good Realtor friend whose...
I spent much of my adult life working for a very large and well know consumer electronics company. Our goal was always to bring to market technically advanced products that would be interesting and fun to own. We also had the second generation product nearly ready to go just as the first generati...
It's a football Sunday and a day that much of America enjoys. I ran across this one and thought you might enjoy it. Football and the Blonde   A guy took his blonde girlfriend to her first football game. They had great seats right behind their team's bench. After the game, he asked her how she lik...
I sent and received text messages deep into the night last night about the election with a close friend on the east coast. My friend is a successful entrepreneur and investor. His secret to success is simple, work hard. I had planned to sent him an email this morning, about our newly elected Pre...
I don't mean to write this in a mournful tone. I am sorry if it comes out that way as I prefer to blog in order to inform when I can and to always make others smile. Today though I have something on my mind, and it has been there for several days and just won't let go.   Halloween and the electio...
  Last week while getting out of the shower I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my lower right back. I couldn't move, it was truly paralyzing. I managed to make it my bed after several minutes but for the balance of Thursday and Friday were very difficult days. It has gotten gradually better and I ho...
I have several close friends who either are or have retired from various Law Enforcement Departments. They have funny stories and a difficult job. I respect what they do and the diligence they display each day. I don't think for a minute the following two stories are true but I certainly got a ch...
Something that concerns me greatly but has not received much press coverage is the soon to expire Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act passed in 2007. The Act exempts certain types of debt forgiveness from Federal Income Tax. The Act has allowed homeowners to short sell their principle residence, withou...
Very interesting sports weekend. In no particular order here are my thoughts.   First the Atlanta Brave's fans should be ashamed. The final game for Chipper Jones, a sure bet HOF player and a total class act, will unfortunately be more remembered for the classless fans who threw trash on the fiel...
Ran across these today and thought you might enjoy them. I am the author of none of them although I have lived most of them.The sellers told me their house was near the water. It was in the basement.How much are they asking for your rent now? Oh, about twice a day.I have a temporary mortgage. Wha...

Dale Bledsoe

Realtor in Tracy, California
local_phone(209) 481-6031
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