In my Craigslist listings, I frequently indicate that my rental listings are in EXCELLENT or IMMACULATE condition and when I show occupied homes, I get the response that the home does not look like "tenants" live there. I'm not sure how a property is supposed to look that is tenant occupied;
New tenants just moved into a gorgeous townhouse that the owner lived in for 3 years and OVERimproved to the point that she would loose $100,000 if she sold it. In true tenant fashion - where NOTHING was WRONG - they found items that needed repair.....after a month in residence, a gas burner w
While I was in the line at a local popular bagel shop recently, a woman and her husband in front of me were lamenting to a friend how HARD homeownership is. Their plumbing has a leak and she was unsure what to do. Her quote was..."when she was a tenant, she just called her landlord" tha
Nobody likes being called a when tenants of mine * who I served a 5-Day Pay Rent in Full or Quit notice yesterday * e-mailed me.... Hello Wallace, I am quite sure that the latest date postmarked for the rent that has been sent to you has been the 5th of the month. I always have t
We are in SEVERE flu season * hand washing and face masks are everywhere * and while I don't have a lot of kids in my life, I no longer shake hands with rental prospects when showing properties and I have curtailed my desire to be Southern "kissing cousins". So when my repairman's grandson/help
When property owners become rental property owners, they often forget that the property is NO LONGER THEIRS'. YES....they can pay the mortgage, insurance, property taxes, maintenance and repair costs....and YES....they can receive beneficial tax deductions against their income....and YES...
Finding out when rental prospects are moving is one of the first questions I ask in my PRE-screening routine. Prospects coming from a "migration site" like Zillow, Move/Realtor, Trulia (sorry ActiveRain) do not see when a rental property is available so they often go through the FRUSTRATING pro
All Profile Types Appraiser Attorney Broker/Owner Commercial Real Estate Agent Education & Training Home Builder Home Stager Inspector Managing Broker
Now is a tough time of year to rent rental homes - for landlords and rental prospects. Maybe it because they are fed up with (1) the noise from their neighbors; (2) too high utilities; (3) or have a baby coming in 7 months....the seem to contact me saying they HAVE A LEASE and NEED TO MOVE. A
YES! This explanation needs to be RE-blogged because there are changes from former point systems and even if you are not climbing the AR leaderboard, points will effect your blog placement within your county * city * state. ActiveRain awards points to our members as a way to motivate them to e