If you are a fan of Dan Brown and plan on reading his newest * INFERNO * you won't be able to get Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon out of your head when you read of his LATEST what-am-I-doing-here tale. I stopped reading Clive Cussler books because Dirk kept getting in wet, in TIGHT places with NO AIR
I did a PRE-move-out property inspection in April to see what needed to be done to RErent the property and when I gave entry notice to my current residents, they advised me that 1) they would be on vacation; and that they 2) had a camera system in their rental home with the recording feed viewabl
If my departing tenants follow my check-out instructions, use the CLEANING service vendors I suggest then they will most probably get all of their deposit back. One issue that STILL seems to remain a bone of contention is DIRT. A departing resident wanted to ARGUE with me that the WEAR/DIRT trai
Tenants need to be prepared for a FORMS FEE for this process from their landlord...there are too many caveats from lenders - no e-mail verification/fax only, etc - so that many property managers and PROFESSIONAL landlords CHARGE for this service....I spent 15 minutes trying to log into a lender's
I'm in FULL RENTING MODE...not too many properties vacant NOW; however, I will have a few in July and August so I am PREscreening as much as possible so as not to waste these prospects time FALLING IN L♥VE with my HOMES. I respond to most e-mail, texts and voice inquires with 3 questions.... HOW
I'll frequently take pets that com ESTABLISHED with the tenant family; however, new kittens or puppies are problematic....training has to take place somewhere - usually in the rental unit Does the management know that you have a pet? As a contractor who regularly goes into occupied units to